Ladies that Lift



  • byoung8433
    byoung8433 Posts: 27 Member
    Than you all for this advice. I assure this isn't falling on deaf ears. I'm so excited.
  • emilysusana
    emilysusana Posts: 416 Member
    I like Rachel Cosgrove's programs. The books contain a lot of "girl talk" i could do without, and I don't follow her food plans and track here instead, but the routines are solid. I've had great results and enjoy the workouts a lot.
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    I started with StrongLifts 5x5. It has a free app and is a good starting place. I did it for a year and moved on to an intermediate program.
  • tillerstouch
    tillerstouch Posts: 608 Member
    bellaa_x0 wrote: »
    Lifting weights wont help you slim down, infact if youre a new lifting your muscles should get bigger.

    Obviously im not a lady but lifting for men and women is the same. Most people on here will recommend strong curves, stronglifts 5x5, or new rules of lifting. Personally i suggested my fiance did stronglifts because there is a nice app that goes with it. She is really enjoying it. If you dont like those you can always go on they have tons of routines but make sure you find a beginner program (one that uses lots of compound lifts).

    If you had a trainer for awhile you should know basic form but if not, or even if you do its good to review proper form, lots of youtube videos out there. Also start with low weight and work your way up.

    Weight loss comes down to having a calorie defict, not lifting. Lifting will help you maintain muscle though and most likely achieve the end, aesthetic look you want.

    funny because i'm smaller (overall) from lifting weights than when i was only doing cardio... but sure keep running with that mindset

    If you read below i clarified, what i meant was weight lifting alone wont make you lose weight, you need a calorie deficit.
  • helio23
    helio23 Posts: 6 Member
    Lifting will absolutely help you reduce fat. Muscle burns fat, even at rest. And every time you lift weights, you're causing muscle damage which requires calories and nutrients to repair. Plus, building muscle creates more shape and definition, and changes your body composition.