Using MFP after bariatric surgery?

I had a sleeve gastrectomy almost 2 weeks ago. I need to lose 40 kilos to have a hip replacement and my prosthetic knee has a fracture that must be fixed. I used MFP while trying to lose weight on my own and I love it but doing it by myself was no longer an option once I was almost housebound because of the pain from walking. Looking forward to chatting with some of you. Anyone out there that has had bariatric surgery and using MFP?


  • Ehmeeheart
    Ehmeeheart Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there! I had Rny just over 7 weeks ago. There are tons of wls people who use mfp for tracking, but for the most part, aren't that active on the boards here. Check out the site obesity help, and bariatric pal if you're looking for people working through the same stuff. But mfp, I believe is the best for actually food tracking.
    Good luck!
  • Buttaflyqueen74
    Buttaflyqueen74 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi my name is Shelia and I had my bypass just this month November 1st. I'm just searching to see if anyone that had the bypass, sleeve, or the band that wants to share their experience and help motivate me or anyone else.
  • ahlife27
    ahlife27 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey all! I haven't had either of those surgeries, but I just had a laparoscopy and joined MFP as a way to help have some accountability/encouragement in eating healthy while I'm homebound and not allowed to exercise :) (or just not allowed to workout in the next few months) I'm used to relying on working out to stay fit so this is kinda new for me :) We should start a surgery group!
  • bettyblue757
    bettyblue757 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys I had a band 8 years ago and it's been a journey to say the least but I wouldn't ever change it. I dropped 7.5 stone in 2 years but then have yo yo' by about 2 stone over last 4 years due to life taking place !!! BUT my band always helps me get back on track. It won't be easy and you must still eat a balanced diet. YOU WILL CHEAT IT! but you will also get back on track. I am now 2 stone over where I want to be but now I train like demon possessed and follow a weight lifting high protein diet to build muscle and strength - I am fitter, happier and more confident than ever in my life. I'm 46 but I feel 26. My top piece of advice is eat a nutritional balanced diet as this will keep your weigloss going over a long period and not freak your body into starvation mode. Good luck and look forward to a new healthy you