Any tips not to get excessive weight during vacation.



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Limit eating out. Be as active as possible. Limit dessert to a couple times a week.
  • ercarroll311
    ercarroll311 Posts: 295 Member
    I keep up exercise, especially when I get up in the morning. I also cut back before I go and after I come back.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    jenrak wrote: »
    Hi people!

    I am going for 7 weeks holiday that includes christmas and new year, I know I should not be stressing about weight loss while I'm on vacation but I worked so hard to loss weight. I understand that I may gain few pounds but do you have any tips to prevent from getting excessive pounds. What have you done to maintain your weight and at the same time not restricting yourself too much? Thanks a lot!

    Seven weeks?! Wow! Honestly, if I were you I would focus on enjoying that time off. Not many people get the luxury of taking off that long. My longest vacation was 10-days and unfortunately I didn't have access to a gym (or even space to run for that matter...I was on a small boat). I kept the weight gain to a minimum (actually came home with having lbs. lost) by sticking to greens and meats for all meals. I brought protein bars to snack on and enjoy for breakfast. I was in Croatia so I had to treat myself to some pasta and pizza, but usually just took a few bites of someone else's and then chose chicken, steak or seafood for my entree. I only had gelato once throughout my entire trip, and honestly, it's something that I regret. I say treat yourself. You only get to go away every so often, don't limit yourself entirely.
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    Without work in the way you should have a lot of time to work out. (No seriously) If you are staying home or traveling, find calorie burning things to do, hike, bike, swim, kayak, dance...the list is endless. Cook for yourself when you can and when you can't make good choices...avoid the alcohol. Get protein drinks or bars to eat when good snack food is not available. Drink water. Enjoy yourself with limits.
  • dbashby
    dbashby Posts: 44 Member
    edited November 2016
    Fairly simple solution, continue to follow the behavior that got you/kept you there. Realize that if when deviate from that behavior or over indulge that it will have consequences. Nobody goes on vacation and wants to stick to a strict diet but 7 weeks isn't an average vacation either. You are on the border of having 2 months off, very few people who struggle with their weight can afford to ignore their diet (lifestyle change) for that long of a period and not have consequences. I hate planning things too much myself but in this situation I would plan in advance the "cheats" I want to engage in and continue with my lifestyle change the rest of the time.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Personally, I move a lot more when I'm on vacation because I'm out and about seeing this, that and the other vs. being home and sitting in my office for 8-10 hours per day. I don't go crazy with eating, but enjoying local cuisines and whatnot is part of the experience IMO...but I've never been on an extended vacation like that either.

    With seven weeks you might want to just try to be as responsible as you can much of the time while splurging here and there...get out and see and do and move.

    I've never actually gained weight (fat) when on vacation..I actually usually lose weight due to being far more active than I would be at home.