Looking for the Like-minded! 86 lbs to lose!

Hi guys!

I started weightwatchers for the second time in February of this year, in conjunction with taking Adipex-P (Phentermine). I have not taken one Phentermine pill in almost a week. Stuffs terrible for your health, although it seems to work! Money is tight as I'm investing in the start-up of my new real estate business, so the 60 bucks a month I'm blowing on doctor's check-ups, prescription and weightwatchers.com are no longer priority. I'd prefer to do this cheaper, and much more naturally!

All that said, I'm down to 212.8 at my last weigh-in from my max weight of 231 back in February and I'm trying to ramp it up! 18 lbs has shown me a glimpse of the old me and I'm anxious to seem more...

Surrounding myself with others who are focused on LIVING CLEAN (EATING HEALTHY and BEING ACTIVE) really keeps me in the mindset of proper nutrition and regular workouts. I cannot express how much of a difference that motivation makes, especially when coupled with me fitting back into old clothes and feeling my physical endurance increase!

Connect with me here on MyFitnessPal and feel free to reach out on Facebook as well ;-)