What are the most annoying things about being overweight?



  • banjobaby
    banjobaby Posts: 46 Member
    all of the above listed but the worst is just the self loathing. feeling not good enough. and the burden of the weight. lately it's just getting to me. i just feel so damn heavy, like all the weight just makes everything hurt.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    For me, it's mostly not being able to shop in certain clothing stores because I'm "plus sized". I also hate the way I look in certain things and spend more time than I want to admit looking for clothing that is flattering and slimming. I just miss the days when I could walk into any store I wanted, not even try on the item because I was a standard size, and it would most likely look flattering on me.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,024 Member
    The worst for me was struggling to cycle up hills. I had no problem cycling on flat ground, but the extra 25 kg really took its toll when I was going uphill.