WEIGHING.. morning or evening?



  • echelonpress
    echelonpress Posts: 1 Member
    I always weigh in the morning. I get up...tinkle...get weighed before I even brush or put on clothes.

    This is what my cardio doc suggested and that weigh I don't punish myself for the day's misadventures. LOL

  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    I dont have the option of weighing myself first thing as I refuse to buy scales (i think i would obsess if i did!) I weigh myself every wednesday, at work, after my workout but before I eat lunch wearing my work out clothes.

    As long as you are consistent and use the same scales, it shouldnt really matter
  • stephisneat
    stephisneat Posts: 29 Member
    I weigh in the morning. Usually Monday AM so I can account for any indulgences I've done over the weekend. Lately I've been weighing everyday. I don't think I should but I just can't help myself.