Hi, I am 61 years young and I really need to eat healthier

I have tried just about every fad diet there, including the 21 day which worked but I find it hard to keep up with the exercise everyday, I have a thyroid problem that along with my age isn't helping me, I am open to any suggestions you might add. Enjoy


  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I think the link below provides a good basic guide for eating healthy. It's really pretty simple to eat healthy. Just follow the basic guidelines and fill your plate with foods you enjoy while staying within your calorie limits.

  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    You can do this I am 69 an been here for three years I'm still at it, it's a change in life style and focus goodluck
  • TomatoGhost
    TomatoGhost Posts: 14 Member
    Right there with you....60 here :)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited October 2016
    piccoellen wrote: »
    I have tried just about every fad diet there, including the 21 day which worked but I find it hard to keep up with the exercise everyday, I have a thyroid problem that along with my age isn't helping me, I am open to any suggestions you might add. Enjoy

    I'm also 61 and have hypothyroid issues (Hashimoto's) along with a host of other age-related niceties that aren't exactly in my favour. I did, however, lose 75 lbs in under a year and reach my goal weight by simply tracking my calories, staying under 'budget,' eating less and moving more. I did not cut foods out of my diet that I happen to love. I just ate less of them less often. ;)

    Is your thyroid disorder being properly medicated? If not, that should be your first step. No point making losing weight any harder than it needs to be.

    The other thing I *highly* recommend is that you purchase a digital food scale so that you have an accurate measure of what you are consuming. They are around $20. I got mine at Amazon.

    When I first started here at MFP, I took the first two weeks and simply got used to weighing and logging all the foods I would normally eat. I wasn't trying to lose weight during this time, I merely wanted to get an accurate handle on precisely how much I had been eating in an average day to have gotten me into this state in the first place.

    From that point, it was eye-opening and quite easy to see where I could begin by making small incremental changes to my diet that would reduce my calorie intake each day in ways that were sustainable and not punitive. There's no rush - you didn't gain the weight overnight and you're not going to lose it that fast, either.

    Welcome to MFP! :)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    There's also a vast amount of resources available right here in the forums to get you started and to answer most of the questions you may have. Here's a link to a thread that contains a lot of these sources of info for newcomers:

