I blew it.



  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
  • daviddaw9948
    daviddaw9948 Posts: 11 Member
    'I blew it' is not strictly correct, is it? Putting on the weight you lost, adding some more, and not dealing with it would be termed blowing it. However, putting on the weight you lost, plus some more, but returning here to face your internal demons is definitely not a case of 'I blew it'. It is the first step on the road to getting back to the lighter you that you know you can achieve.

    I am lucky in that drinking alcohol gives me dreadful migraine, so I never touch the stuff, but I do know that it is a real problem for those of us working on our weight loss. It is absolutely packed with calories, so is there any way you can replace your favorite drink with something less calorific? It would really help your weight loss and simultaneously give you the bonus of controlling your drinking.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Well, you screwed up. But you didn't blow it. Look at that, MFP is still here to help you! Put DOWN the friend chicken...unless it fits in your calorie goal for the day. :D
  • NamVetJim
    NamVetJim Posts: 51 Member
    Getting healthy is probably the most frustrating issue a person can have. However the alternative isn't very appealing. I am beginning the journey again and will continue striving despite any setbacks. If I can assist you in any way please contact me.