Its about about the choices

Hey Guys,

I've been seeing a lot of posts about which exercises burn the most fat or which exercises are the best. While exercise does help create a deficit and it also allows you to eat a little more, WEIGHT LOSS HAPPENS IN THE KITCHEN. One of my favorite WW adages is 'You cannot exercise out a bad diet', this is 1000% true. Your progress will come down to your food choices, the amount of food you're eating and how well you're tracking.

I know some people say they just don't have time. On Sundays, I meal prep my lunches for the week, or at least a few at a time. I have my salads all ready and snacks ready to go so in the morning I can grab my mason jar and snacks and be out the door in 15mins.

Also, to those of you saying, 'I don't have time to weigh' or 'it's too stressful', it takes me a couple of minutes to weigh out my food. Honestly, it would be a lot easier to not have to weigh or measure, but all you really have to do is scan the package into MFP and choose your serving size, and if you eat a lot of the same foods, like I do, it comes down to just picking out the entries from the 'my recent' on the MFP app. Now granted if you're making a recipe it can be time consuming to have to weigh all the ingredients, but you can always pre-measure or input all the ingredients ahead of time. Also, if it's a recipe you plan on using a lot, create a recipe in MFP, that way whenever you make you it you just have to select the entry and you're good to go.

Any by all means, it is 1000% easier to just go to chick fil a and order a chicken sandwich and fries for lunch, but you can save money and calories and not have a grumbling stomach full of grease by mid-afternoon by pre-planning and having easy to grab meals. Heck, I always try to keep pre-portioned left overs in my freezer for those nights I just don't feel like cooking, because I know I going to be tempted to order pizza or grab mcd or chick fil a if I don't have meals stored in my freezer. Another idea that I'm playing around with and trying to implement is keeping a can of tuna in my cabinet at all times, because all you gotta do is grab some crackers and you have a quick on the go meal.

One more thing I like to do is keep protein powder, almond milk and frozen fruit (whichever kind you like) to blend into a smoothie on the mornings I over sleep. I know its not an ideal breakfast but its quick and prevents me from stopping at mcd or chick fil a.

*end rant*