20 Pounds in 2 months

skmfp97 Posts: 2 Member
I have a big event coming up, and I'm trying to lose 20 pounds in 2 months. How many cals should I be eating? I'm in my 250s and I feel like it would also JumpStart my diet and keep me motivated. It may not be a realistic to some, but I think its not that bad of a time frame. I previously wanted it to be 40 pounds in 2 months, but I realized that was definitely unrealistic and unhealthy. Im just trying to get as many opinions as possible. How many cals should I be eating, does it matter if I eat at night or late,or as long as I'm in my cal defit I'll be fine? Any success stories?


  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    20 pounds in 2 months from 250 is doable but a lot more information is needed to figure a calorie goal. If you enter your information into the system, MFP will give you a calorie goal.

    There are lots of success stories here. I am at 87 pounds and counting but many have lost much more.
  • leedowhey
    leedowhey Posts: 20 Member
    I want to do 40lbs in 20 weeks. That's my goal right now.