
Mrs_Hewi Posts: 77 Member
edited November 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anyone else's weight on the scales change dramatically all the time?
I weighed myself last week and had lost 1kg (yay) weighed myself today and i have put on 2kgs... how is this possible?


  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    All.the.time. Just normal flucuations.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    The answer my friend is called trending weight application or web site.
    happy scale iphone
    libra android
    I personally use (you can input your weight by using a free account, no product purchase necessary, and entering your weight on the fitbit app or web site which then automatically pushes the info to trendweight and mfp through integration)

    Other than obvious things such as position of the scale, flex of floor, battery state, you then have to deal with waste in your body, plus anything you may have eaten or drunk, plus fluctuations due to time of the month, sodium eaten, exercise performed... I am sure there's a few more I am forgetting right now :smile:
  • Mrs_Hewi
    Mrs_Hewi Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks. How often do you have to weigh yourself for these apps?