Gym Phobia



  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Nobody has ever died of being stared or laughed at.
    Many people die from issues associated with being overweight and sedentary.

    Stop caring about what other people think more than you care about your own health and well being.
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    Just like Luke Skywalker going into the cave when Yoda advised against it he brought to the cave what he feared not what was actually there.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    I started going to the gym when I was in high school and would stick to the cardio machines and then leave because I was so afraid that others would judge me - if I wasn't in shape enough, didn't use the equipment properly or had poor form. It wasn't until this past year and a half that I started using weights. I started with the machines, and let me tell you, it was brutal mentally. I had no idea what I was doing half the time, but I pushed through. I would observe, ask the gym trainers questions when need-be, and then eventually (about a year ago) I got enough courage to get in the weight room and train. Now? I do hip thrusts shamelessly and even wear shorts to the gym which would have never happened before. I promise that even the most fit of the gym rats started somewhere, and chances are they were a tad nervous to get in there and be judged as well. You'll find as you get more into it that the people that you are so nervous to be around are probably so into their own work out that they don't even notice your form. And going by your profile picture, if they're looking at you they most likely are just admiring your gorgeous-ness. My biggest tip is put the headphones in, block out the world, and start lifting. You can do it!
  • HungryasFuark
    HungryasFuark Posts: 463 Member
    edited November 2016
    First of all you look great if they will look at you they will be checking u out lol now there is no need to be conscious about what you do at the gym or anywhere actually , you are simply free to do whatever you want to do as long as your not harming anyone one owes u anything and there is no need to be even thinking about how other people at the gym are perceiving you because at the end of the day their actions or thoughts really doesn't matter it won't add or take anything form you ! Its all about what you think of ur self.. So just remember that you are going to the gym to workout your mind and body not anyones else's and just focus on you and be sure that people who keep looking etc to make fun of someone are really just pure insecure people who are trying to pass their insecurities to others around and if it did happen ( which probably won't ) and someone gave you a bad look you can do this amazing move just stand still and look at them directly in the eye I'm 100 % sure their eyes will be going all around the place lol because they are like what I said just completely insecure people and they will never dare to look again .
  • VeganRaptor
    VeganRaptor Posts: 164 Member
    People won't judge you for going to the gym :) In fact, they'll probably be happy for you and impressed that you made it to the gym while many people don't exercise at all! Even if they do judge you privately, remember that you are doing this to better yourself. It isn't your problem what others think- they're pretty much just being toxic inside themselves.

    If you still don't feel up to going to the gym, why not work up to it by exercising in other ways? Go for regular walks/jogs/runs (with music, an audio book, Pokemon Go, etc), get some friends together and attend an exercise class or swim at a beach or the pool, walk the dog. Dance to your favourite songs, or start vacuuming vigorously. You really don't need to go to the gym to get exercise anyway, but since you're scared of it, it might be something to work up to in order to help your anxiety around it!