'catching up' on one lift - is this kosher?

canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
edited November 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
i'm doing wendler 531 and really happy with it. chugging along nicely for most of my lifts.

except squats. i took them off my wendler schedule about a month ago because i couldn't even get through the warmup sets with a consistent, clean form, so there was no point in even pretending i was going to do the numbers that were in the spreadsheet for them. i stuck them in a nice quiet little quarantine pen of their own and just kept working on doing the various things that seemed like they were not exacerbating the problem, plus various things aimed at addressing the problem itself.

i've worked a few things out and let a couple things heal, and it looks like i'm getting them solid again. so my question is: assuming my form is good to go once again, what do i do with them now? in practical terms, i'm back at brand-noob status with just the bar, but i do have fair bit of strength i've preserved. so setting a training max of 65 pounds and holding myself to the slow pace of wendler seems a little redundant.

what i'd like to do is run squats on linear-progression model - every session, 5x5 or 3x5, adding weight each new time - until they catch up to a point where wendler makes sense for them. but maybe it's not kosher to mix programmes across different lifts?

interested in people's thoughts if they've been in similar situations. thanks.


  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I generally wouldn't suggest to newer(?) lifters to try to mix programs. That said, in your situation, I'd say that's fine. You may find that, at some point, certain lifts respond better to different types of training anyway.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Not on that program but when I was doing PHAT I did deload my squat to work on form and go off program just on that lift until I got it up to bodyweight again.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    i'm doing wendler 531 and really happy with it. chugging along nicely for most of my lifts.

    except squats. i took them off my wendler schedule about a month ago because i couldn't even get through the warmup sets with a consistent, clean form, so there was no point in even pretending i was going to do the numbers that were in the spreadsheet for them. i stuck them in a nice quiet little quarantine pen of their own and just kept working on doing the various things that seemed like they were not exacerbating the problem, plus various things aimed at addressing the problem itself.

    i've worked a few things out and let a couple things heal, and it looks like i'm getting them solid again. so my question is: assuming my form is good to go once again, what do i do with them now? in practical terms, i'm back at brand-noob status with just the bar, but i do have fair bit of strength i've preserved. so setting a training max of 65 pounds and holding myself to the slow pace of wendler seems a little redundant.

    what i'd like to do is run squats on linear-progression model - every session, 5x5 or 3x5, adding weight each new time - until they catch up to a point where wendler makes sense for them. but maybe it's not kosher to mix programmes across different lifts?

    interested in people's thoughts if they've been in similar situations. thanks.

    I think it's a good way to go about it.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    thanks guys. my trainer is pretty much letting me set my own rules around things like this since i understand rheumatoid arthritis better than him, but i'll run it by him as well. my main personal learning curve is finding my groove with setting the right pace for these back-off-recover-re-entry cycles i get, but i feel like i'm making incremental progress with that.

    i went back this week and did the rippetoe procedure for first-workout ever, and it topped out at about 75% of where i was when i dropped back. so yeah; that's my mark on the wall for right now.

    Not on that program but when I was doing PHAT I did deload my squat to work on form and go off program just on that lift until I got it up to bodyweight again.

    d'oh. of course that's the non-lifestory way of describing what i just did. just a big ol' deload for form :p