Is anyone able to lose weight at 1800 net calories/day?

If so, would you be willing to tell me a little about yourself, maybe your workout schedule and your dietary approach? I've lost some inches, but not much in the way of pounds. I'm wondering if it's just a pipe dream, or if some folks are really able to do this. I just really hate being hungry.


  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I eat a flat 1825 as my goal. I can't tell you what I really end up at though, because I don't count exercise calories.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Inches lost = good....most likely fat loss yay

    In my mind losing inches is better than losing weight. I personally don't net 1800 a day, but I'm also not very active. I do love food though, my reports for the last 90 days:

    First graph is Total Calories consumed:

    Even scarier is my Net Calories graph: (total - exercise)

    And my weight loss (I weigh at random times):

    Workouts : Completely random....Completed EA Sports Active 2.0 Cardio Kick Start in May I think, Dance Central 2 20-40 mins when I feel like it, was doing Stronglifts 5x5 (had to stop, husband sold bench, and is planning to get us a gym membership), Golds Gym Cardio Workout (boxing) 15-20 mins when I feel like it

    Food wise: Moderation. Try to fit what I want into my calorie goals and make sure that I get my minimum fat and protein intake (aka MFP suggested "limit")

    edit: When looking at the calories consumed above, keep in mind that I'm only 5'4.5". So it's not like I'm really tall or anything.
  • moolfson
    moolfson Posts: 29
    It all really depends on your current weight and activity level. I'm losing about 1/lb a week at 3,100 net calories. However I'm 6'5" and 350 lbs. Strength training and cardio 4 days a week with a very active job.

    I pretty much just eat untill I hit my net calorie limit while trying to avoid junk food. Sometimes I get stuck and I'll drop inches instead of lbs, but progress is progress. Looking at your diary it looks like you're doing great!
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    I eat 1600-1850 a day depending on how hungry I am. I generally don't add in or eat back exercise calories, unless I've done something super strenuous like an all-day hike. I lift heavy 3-4 days a week (Stronglifts 5x5 from March to July, just switched to Wendler 5/3/1). For "cardio", I do something active about 3 times a week. Either jogging, hiking, kayaking or a brisk walk. I may not be the best person to ask because I don't give a flip about weight. I've lost about 3 lbs since January, but about 2 sizes.

    For food, I eat mostly whole, home cooked foods, but I eat cookies or icecream a few times a week and fast food or pizza occasionally. My macros are 30C-30F-40P, but I'm usually under on carbs and over on fat.

    I'm 5'5, 148-150 lbs, about 23-25% BF; 42 year old.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I eat an estimate of 1900-2100 ( I stopped logging awhile ago, so an estimate is all I can give) and lose regularly. I exercise about 30 minutes a day, a mix of weights and circuit training.
  • AbbeyDove
    AbbeyDove Posts: 317 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies! I was just getting a little discouraged. It's so good to know that it's at least possible. I keep trying to build strength, and likely more muscle is really the key here. I'd like to be leaner and stronger, but I just don't want to starve myself. I'm 5' 7," and about 162 lbs right now!
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies! I was just getting a little discouraged. It's so good to know that it's at least possible. I keep trying to build strength, and likely more muscle is really the key here. I'd like to be leaner and stronger, but I just don't want to starve myself. I'm 5' 7," and about 162 lbs right now!

    I'm 5'7" and 166lbs right now, I maintain on just over 1800 net calories, I think you probably would too.

    I'm eating 1450 calories + exercise calories. It's pretty easy most days, especially when I exercise.

    If I burn 400 at the gym, I get to eat 1850 calories and still lose weight.

    1850-400=1450 NET

    Maybe you meant 1800 gross calories?
  • paprikas
    paprikas Posts: 118 Member
    I was eating at over 2000 per day and heavy lifting 3 times a week. measurements were slowly shrinking but weight basically stalled. Have now reduced to around 1800-1900 per day and seem to be getting out of the funk. definitely cant go below 1800, wouldn't be able to function or sustain this.
  • Melina48
    Melina48 Posts: 7
    I actually saw the most progress I ever had at 1800 calories, but I was much better at my exercise routine- I was doing 35-45 minutes of some kind of cardio (like spin or kickboxing at the gym) 3 days a week and then 2 days a week I was doing 30 minutes on the elliptical or outside running and then also a 30 minute strength routine. I was ON IT,! Had a desk job but had to walk about 20 minutes to and from the parking structure downtown.

    Now I'm just kind of popping along with a not-so disciplined exercise and no real walking needs (I work at home, so I got really lazy since I don't have to "go" anywhere)... so my calories are like 1300 :( boo! I'm just working myself back up to that level of exercise because like you, I HATE being hungry! Totally worth the workout to be able to eat more substantial meals!

    Keep it up!! If you're exercising, track your inches more than the scale- I rarely lose "weight" on the scale. Last time I felt awesome about myself I was at 145 but I had gone down like 5 inches when I was doing things right- also 5'7" ish and right now at 159.. so I feel ya!!
  • jnyunt
    jnyunt Posts: 1 Member
    I've been eating 1800-1900 a day and 2 times a day work out. Weight liftingin the morning and 5K run in the evening. But I'm not losing weight anymore and not gaining either. My target weight to lose was 128lbs but stuck on 130lbs-131lbs for few months, so I decided to maintain current weight and hopefully loose few more pound again when I train for 10K in few weeks time.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Do you mean 1800 GROSS calories? 1800 NET would be 1800 + exercise calories...
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Yes, I do. I eat around 2250 cals a day, which means after exercise I net around 1800. It is certainly possible, but depends on your size and activity. I am 5"10, 247lb, and according to my fitbit, lightly active.
  • AbbeyDove
    AbbeyDove Posts: 317 Member
    Hmm. I think I actually means something between 'Net' calories and 'Gross' calories. That is, I manually set my calories to 1800 per day, and I eat back 1/3 of my exercise calories, because I'm just lightly active. Thank you for your comments, everybody!
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Yes... that's actually what I have my macros set as... I've been doing this for a while. Mind you, I'm more for toning then i am for losing anymore weight.
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    Absolutely. You really have to be honest with yourself about the 1800.
    it takes some doing, as you have to really plan your food, esp. if you're used to just eating whatever whenever.
    But you do lose weight, at a pretty steady pace, without loss of energy. However, you don't lose fast. It's about a pound a week, give or take.
    I also don't do a lot of exercise - asthma/COPD, and an extremely sedentary job makes it really difficult - but I do walk, and try to do whatever I can to move around.
    if you have a sweet tooth, eat a LOT of fruit, esp, in the morning. Don't worry about the sugar metric.
    And make sure to have enough protein.
    hope this helps!
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    I am 6'4" at 320 lbs. I started at 382 lbs. At one point, I was down to 296 lbs.I tend to eat back my exercise calories. Some days I burn 800-900 calories doing cardio. On my strength training days, I burn maybe 300 calories. I have not been losing any weight in the last year because I have not been real strict on my food.

    In my experience, you can lose weight on 1800 net calories per day.
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    MFP started me right around 2100 calories/day and I'm down to a little over 1900/day. I have lost 42.8 pounds to date. I try to stay under everyday but realistically that does not always happen. I try to work out 4-5 days a week, 20-30 minutes of cardio and then weights. Again, this does not always happen. I usually eat back some of my exercise calories. I have lost a ton of inches but I didn't measure from day 1 so I can't give an exact measurements. As long as what you are doing is working, stick with it. If not, maybe you need to reduce your calories for your body or you need to increase depending on how much you are working out. And remember that success is not only measured by a number on the scale. Good luck with your journey! :drinker:
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Hmm. I think I actually means something between 'Net' calories and 'Gross' calories. That is, I manually set my calories to 1800 per day, and I eat back 1/3 of my exercise calories, because I'm just lightly active. Thank you for your comments, everybody!

    According to your stats you should be eating 1800 (1834 according to Scooby) daily, regardless of exercise. It's already figured in. Eating 1800 plus 1/3 of your exercise calories will put you closer to maintenance and you won't lose hardly anything.
  • mryak750
    mryak750 Posts: 198 Member
    you shout net 1800 cals and stop eating exercise calories back
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    I eat anywhere from 1800-2100, I NET about 1300-1600.

    I usually workout about 4-5 days a week, mixing it up between cardio and lifting. This has been working for me so far. I love being able to lose and eat.

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