Hi, I'm new here

My name is Tamara. I started here about 1 week ago. This step is part of many that the surgeon requires before bariatric surgery can be done. I'm going to have a gastric sleeve done but I need to quit smoking and lose a few pounds prior to surgery which is why I'm on the South Beach Diet. I really like this app though! I weighed in at 313lbs. And my target weight is 170 lbs post op.

My motivation is not just for me though. I'm 38, I have Fibromyalgia and my joints hurt daily. I'm tired all the time. I need to feel better and get healthier for my daughter. She is my little hero. She will be 14 next month. She lives at home with me and is on life support. She requires total care. She keeps fighting so I need to keep fighting. To do that, i need to be healthier! This is for us.