Here we go again!

Hi MFP I'm back! I became a member about 8 years ago. I was 28 and my starting weight was 263 lbs. I was depressed and had very low self-esteem. I lost 117 lbs in a little over a year. Unfortunately, after I stopped tracking my food intake and weight I gained it all back in half the time it took me to lose it :(. Fast forward to 10/27/16 I was at my appointment with my PCP and weighed in at 284 lbs. My heart sank to the pit of my over grown stomach. At 36 years old I have several health problems that are in part due to my obesity. This time around losing the weight means more to me than overcoming just depression and low self-esteem. I have 4 amazing kiddos and husband that I want to spend many years with. I am faced with the reality that those years WILL be cut short if I don't get healthy. I am already excited to have lost 7 lbs in only 6 days. Now I know most of it is water weight but it's still weight holding me down. I keep my calorie intake between 1200-1500 a day and drink lots of water. I get a lot of exercise at work because I am always on my feet walking. My PCP also put me on Phentermine (obesity drug) to jump start my diet. I can only take it for 3 months so I know I will have to go it alone after that. That's where you guys and gals come in. I learned from my previous success that having friends that understand what you are going through makes a makes a huge difference. Feel free to add me and we can take this journey together.