Type 1 Diabetics?



  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited November 2016
    EllaLynn24 wrote: »
    EllaLynn24 wrote: »
    I've had type 1 diabetes my whole life (and so did my dad). I didn't realize how hard losing weight AND being diabetic is! I've gained a lot of weight these last few years and then it became a problem. So now I've been using this site on and off for over a year now and I still haven't lost any weight. I've done everything I possibly could that I knew about (calorie counting, food scales, walking) except buying exercise equipment because of how expensive it is (but I do have my fitbit to help me move around more), and I've still had a hard time staying focused even though I'm determined to lose weight. But then I realized a few weeks ago why it's probably so hard for me... I'm constantly having ups and downs with my blood sugar, which affects me physically and emotionally. I was finally starting to get my blood sugars under control when my doctor increased my insulin dosages and now I'm back to having highs and lows again. It's hard for me to get out of bed or do anything because of what the highs and lows to do me. I have to depend on keeping at least one or two energy drinks at a time just so I can function like a normal person and not be a zombie. I want to lose this weight so bad and get back to the size I used to be when I first thought I was fat when I really wasn't until I did become fat. But with the diabetes it's become more challenging for me than I thought it would be. I only haven't given up trying to lose weight because I'm so out of shape that I run out of breath and I have back pain just from doing simple things, like doing things around the house or going shopping.

    The original reason I switched to low carb was to stabilize BG. Surprisingly, it also resulted in much faster weight loss at the same calorie level.

    That's awesome! I never really understood carbs, so I pretty much eat like a normal person. Everytime I ask my current doctor questions, especially about my diabetes, she never understands what I'm trying to ask her. My insurance just switched me to syringes a few weeks ago after being on the pens since I was 10, so I've really been re-thinking about going on the pump, and for me that's a HUGE decision to make but with a doctor that doesn't seem to know much I can't ask her about it. If I do switch to the pump I hope that will help out with my blood sugar problem.

    Type 1's really can eat like a normal person as long as their I:C ratio is properly developed and they count net carbs accurately, plus adjust for any variances such as the timing issues associated with foods like pizza. I switched to low carb to eliminate the risk of errors on those things and to stabilize BG... i.e. to eliminate the postprandial spike and subsequent insulin reaction. Most people don't realize that EVERYBODY has a postprandial spike with carbs - even non-diabetics. The difference is that self-made insulin reacts more quickly and can reduce the intensity of the spike and the duration of the high BG. So in the same circumstance where a type 1 may see a spike to 200 mg/dl 1 hr. after consuming a high carb meal, the non-diabetic will likely see a spike to only 180 mg/dl. The non-diabetic will also return to a normal BG more quickly than the diabetic taking injected insulin. But there is a lot more risk to calculating everything correctly and longer, higher spikes... so I eliminated most of that risk.
  • kristabby21
    kristabby21 Posts: 9 Member
    I found out I was a type one just about a year ago. Things have been hard. It's hard to count carbs and count calories. For me it's just so time consuming!! Excersise definitely helps lower my blood sugar and keep it more stable throughout the day. It sucks sticking to a calorie goal and then having to add calories to treat a low. Trying to loose weight as I am hoping to be pregnant soon!
  • kristabby21
    kristabby21 Posts: 9 Member
    I need type 1 diabetic friends! When my blood sugar is awesome I have no one to share with. My spouse just doesn't understand how much hard work goes into these awesome blood sugar levels