Weigh day!!



  • warcup666
    warcup666 Posts: 99 Member
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    warcup666 wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    warcup666 wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    warcup666 wrote: »
    A lot of people on here, myself included, weigh daily to track trends and get used to fluctuations.

    Iv never done that I always weigh weekly, I'll probably be disappointed if I gained one day then eat rubbish rest of day lol X

    Just so you realize what you are interested in (I assume) is loss of fat. Loss of fat doesn't always mean loss of weight on a day to day or even week to week basis. Its quite possible on any given week despite losing fat that you will gain weight, just realize thats possible so you aren't dissapointed if that happens. After all, scales just measure your overall weight...not how much fat you have lost.
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    warcup666 wrote: »
    A lot of people on here, myself included, weigh daily to track trends and get used to fluctuations.

    Iv never done that I always weigh weekly, I'll probably be disappointed if I gained one day then eat rubbish rest of day lol X

    Just so you realize what you are interested in (I assume) is loss of fat. Loss of fat doesn't always mean loss of weight on a day to day or even week to week basis. Its quite possible on any given week despite losing fat that you will gain weight, just realize thats possible so you aren't dissapointed if that happens. After all, scales just measure your overall weight...not how much fat you have lost.

    Hiya!! Yeah interested in fat loss, Awww thank you for that advice, will keep it in mind. I have been good this week so fingers crossed x

    Well..okay, but being good has nothing to do with it of course. Your body can fluctuate many many pounds in weight due to water retention regardless of what you eat. You could eat nothing for a week and weigh more at the end of the week than where you started. Its what your weight does over long periods of time that will tell you if you are on the right track so don't let any one measurement make you feel like you are "good" or "bad".

    Awwww OK hun thank you, do you think I should get weighed daily then?? X

    Weigh whenver you feel like it but don't be emotionally attached to each individual result. Its the cumulation of the results over time that matters, ie whether or not over time your weight is generally decreasing. Individual times your weight might be higher than it had been, thats normal...whether you weigh daily or weekly.

    Easier said then done not getting emotionally attached to the result lol. Thank you so much for all your advice :smile:
  • warcup666
    warcup666 Posts: 99 Member
    Chadxx wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    warcup666 wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    warcup666 wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    warcup666 wrote: »
    A lot of people on here, myself included, weigh daily to track trends and get used to fluctuations.

    Iv never done that I always weigh weekly, I'll probably be disappointed if I gained one day then eat rubbish rest of day lol X

    Just so you realize what you are interested in (I assume) is loss of fat. Loss of fat doesn't always mean loss of weight on a day to day or even week to week basis. Its quite possible on any given week despite losing fat that you will gain weight, just realize thats possible so you aren't dissapointed if that happens. After all, scales just measure your overall weight...not how much fat you have lost.
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    warcup666 wrote: »
    A lot of people on here, myself included, weigh daily to track trends and get used to fluctuations.

    Iv never done that I always weigh weekly, I'll probably be disappointed if I gained one day then eat rubbish rest of day lol X

    Just so you realize what you are interested in (I assume) is loss of fat. Loss of fat doesn't always mean loss of weight on a day to day or even week to week basis. Its quite possible on any given week despite losing fat that you will gain weight, just realize thats possible so you aren't dissapointed if that happens. After all, scales just measure your overall weight...not how much fat you have lost.

    Hiya!! Yeah interested in fat loss, Awww thank you for that advice, will keep it in mind. I have been good this week so fingers crossed x

    Well..okay, but being good has nothing to do with it of course. Your body can fluctuate many many pounds in weight due to water retention regardless of what you eat. You could eat nothing for a week and weigh more at the end of the week than where you started. Its what your weight does over long periods of time that will tell you if you are on the right track so don't let any one measurement make you feel like you are "good" or "bad".

    Awwww OK hun thank you, do you think I should get weighed daily then?? X

    Weigh whenver you feel like it but don't be emotionally attached to each individual result. Its the cumulation of the results over time that matters, ie whether or not over time your weight is generally decreasing. Individual times your weight might be higher than it had been, thats normal...whether you weigh daily or weekly.

    This right here. Regardless of how good you are, your weight is going to fluctuate quite a bit. Don't worry about it. Just keep on keeping on and you will be fine. Mine went up quite a bit last week and I really don't know why. It peaked on Sunday but by Wednesday it dropped 13 pounds and all that fluctuation was just water.

    Thank you , wow that's fab hun , bet u were well chuffed X
  • ekim2016
    ekim2016 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I weight every morning before traveling to my office... it makes me feel in control. I have been consistently losing a hair over one pound per week since been on mfp May 17th. Some days, I will be up one pound but it all seems to average out each week. So three weeks til Thanksgiving and I should be down 3 more pounds.. :gobble gobble gobble.. just kidding.. never go over my calorie ceiling!!
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I have never even once been excited to get on a scale. I still do it every day. Good luck on your weigh-in.
  • warcup666
    warcup666 Posts: 99 Member
    nowine4me wrote: »
    I have never even once been excited to get on a scale. I still do it every day. Good luck on your weigh-in.

    Lol, thank u x
  • bfanny
    bfanny Posts: 440 Member
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    warcup666 wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    warcup666 wrote: »
    A lot of people on here, myself included, weigh daily to track trends and get used to fluctuations.

    Iv never done that I always weigh weekly, I'll probably be disappointed if I gained one day then eat rubbish rest of day lol X

    Just so you realize what you are interested in (I assume) is loss of fat. Loss of fat doesn't always mean loss of weight on a day to day or even week to week basis. Its quite possible on any given week despite losing fat that you will gain weight, just realize thats possible so you aren't dissapointed if that happens. After all, scales just measure your overall weight...not how much fat you have lost.
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    warcup666 wrote: »
    A lot of people on here, myself included, weigh daily to track trends and get used to fluctuations.

    Iv never done that I always weigh weekly, I'll probably be disappointed if I gained one day then eat rubbish rest of day lol X

    Just so you realize what you are interested in (I assume) is loss of fat. Loss of fat doesn't always mean loss of weight on a day to day or even week to week basis. Its quite possible on any given week despite losing fat that you will gain weight, just realize thats possible so you aren't dissapointed if that happens. After all, scales just measure your overall weight...not how much fat you have lost.

    Hiya!! Yeah interested in fat loss, Awww thank you for that advice, will keep it in mind. I have been good this week so fingers crossed x

    Well..okay, but being good has nothing to do with it of course. Your body can fluctuate many many pounds in weight due to water retention regardless of what you eat. You could eat nothing for a week and weigh more at the end of the week than where you started. Its what your weight does over long periods of time that will tell you if you are on the right track so don't let any one measurement make you feel like you are "good" or "bad".

    This is great advice to keep it in mind, thank you :smile:

  • RebekahAnn88
    RebekahAnn88 Posts: 46 Member
    I also do a weekly Saturday morning weigh in! I was doing daily but when it was lower would make me feel confident and then I feel like I can treat myself and higher make me get anxious so I've found a weekly check in makes for me to try my best for my week! Good luck, I hope I have some myself!
  • warcup666
    warcup666 Posts: 99 Member
    I also do a weekly Saturday morning weigh in! I was doing daily but when it was lower would make me feel confident and then I feel like I can treat myself and higher make me get anxious so I've found a weekly check in makes for me to try my best for my week! Good luck, I hope I have some myself!

    Thank you hun, I know what ya mean. Good luck to u to