Muscle Gain

girligirl22 Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I am a dancer so I gain a lot of muscle very quickly. I know in my head that I shouldn't worry about the weight gain this causes, but I still want to loose about 50 pounds. Anyone have any motivational advice?


  • david1956
    david1956 Posts: 190 Member
    Just my unqualified opinion, based on my own experience and what I observe and discuss in the gym... the "muscle weighs more than fat" thing gets blown way out of proportion. Gaining true dense muscle mass is actually not very easy for anyone, and probably less so for a woman.

    If you genuinely do have 50 lb to lose, the vast majority if that is fat so start losing it. What MAY be significant if you do easily build muscle is that as you get down to the last harder pounds you might have to start using reliable measurements such as body fat % since BMIs are unreliable for muscular physiques. In other words you may have an ideal weight a bit higher than BMIs indicate, but you won't be a hulk, simply a lean strong machine.

    If people have a high fat % and also have a tendency to bulk easily, what looks like muscle is often superficially only so, but is as much fluid and fat as anything else. Good training that is burning fat and increasing strength will not bulk you more, you will get more defined true dense muscle.

    So if you realistically have 50 lb to lose, start doing it with suitable diet and training. Your weight is NOT going to stall because you are putting on muscle, you should lose fat much much quicker than any true muscle mass you might gain. The muscle gain would be relatively insignificant.
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