:) New memeber here!!

Heelloooo everyone!!

I am kiwi from California and I want to lose 20 pounds in 5 weeks, please give me hopes... I usually have late night cravings,which is the worst. I need some motivations!!!


  • wxbeauty123
    wxbeauty123 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi!! I am new to the boards myself. Late night cravings are the worst, I try to not have anything available to be able to give in to the cravings.
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    welcome ladies and I wish you both good luck. Just an FYI 20 lbs in 5 weeks is very aggressive but good luck
  • Jenn010101
    Jenn010101 Posts: 18 Member
    I head to the gym around 7 so that by the time I get home and showered it's time to get ready for bed.
  • keikostefy
    keikostefy Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not new completely but I've had several restarts and this time I'm going to make it. My late night cravings are mostly sweets and what I find that helps is having a piece of fruit, water, or if it's to strong a dip of honey.
  • bakingforlife
    bakingforlife Posts: 132 Member
    Hi im.new as of today two minutes ago ,replace the unhealthly with homemade healthly.takes time to make and you lnow what is in it ...........
  • lambothecat
    I took all your suggestions into consideration and I started to eat fruits when I get hungry late night. Thanks
  • sbplx
    sbplx Posts: 1
    Hey :)

    20 pounds in 5 weeks is a lot. It's doable... but if I were you, I'd set a lower goal. Would be a quite extreme diet combined with extreme training.... and probably extreme frustrations and pain as well. ;) In my opinion it would be wiser to stick to an easier goal and go slower which reduces frustration and the risc of gaining your wight back quickly later.
    Eat yummy snacks - in limits. :) I usually have a salad for lunch but add a cookie as dessert (there are kinds with less calories.. I buy single-packed ones, easier for calorie calculation and self control). If you kinda don't eat anything you like and crave, the cravings will simply be too bad at some point. You can also try to eat healthier snacks, like dried fruit bars. Kinda low calorie and when you drink a lot, they can be quite filling.

    + Eat a low carb, high fibre diet. Lots of fresh fruit and veggies. You can usually eat like a ton of it.
    + Consume additional protein (like a shake) to prevent muscle reduction. There's also stuff like protein pudding which can be a healthy, low calorie and low carb snack.
    + Don't refrain from everything you crave. Just make sure, you eat controlled amounts.
    + Figure out what went wrong with your usual diet / lifestyle and make changes in order to not gain the weight back. That's actually most important and most difficult thing, I guess. Working on it myself.

    Good luck! :)
  • ngaih
    ngaih Posts: 5
    Kia ora kiwi cat -just to say. Firstimer. Here i - ive just lost 4kgs on the on a vlcd diet and its been the first time ive done a radical regime - ive taken time off work so as i can focus on cooking and eating healthy. So focused ive joined this page - trying to find NZ food and recipes. Further to add i lost 4kgs in 10days.:love:
  • KateParsnip
    Good luck with your goals.

    About the night time eating. An idea is to try to make sure you eat regularly during the day...a small amount of protein and complex carbs (anything that is green or brown, not white, ie wholegrain bread, brown rice, wholemeal pasta, veggies ). Do not leave it more than 3 hours without food.

    Getting too hungry is not too good for fat loss.

    There is a physiological as well as psychological reason for late night sweet cravings...your blood sugar is unbalanced.. So feed your body what it needs to function well during the day so you don't need the less helpful foods at night!
  • timwavell
    timwavell Posts: 2
    This is what works for me: I've pretty much cleared out the fridge and cupboards of "instant gratification" quick cook meals and snacks. My fridge is pretty empty apart from maybe 2 days worth of vegetables, bean sprouts and some lean white meat.

    Every time I would have reached for a chocolate / biscuit, I eat an apple instead

    I spend more time cooking food than eating it.. I love to cook and there's some great recipes out there - try new things. I'm cooking a lot of asian cuisine these days. Rice noodles with some curry powder, pan fried pak choi etc - it's delicious and filling and very low calories.

    I'm losing about 1Kg a week (I'm sorry, I have no idea what 1Lb equates to !) and it's pretty easy to maintain, I find.

    Good luck :o)