Tall women successes?

Are there any women 6ft and over with before/after pics?

I'm starting my end goal at 250 even though that's still overweight because I know I was comfortable at 275 due to my height.

Just curious as to weight on different frames! ☺️


  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    There's a whole thread for tall women's success stories

    It says 5'8" - 5'11" but there are some ladies that have posted that are taller than 5'11".
  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    Also, I'm 5'11" and I have the same problem. I have no idea where to set my goal because it's been so long since I was a "normal" weight. Right now I'm aiming to just get to a normal BMI and then I'll see how I feel as I keep losing.
  • hopeless_rhomantic

    The first picture is from 2012 and the second picture is from last month. I had a baby in 2015, so I lost 80 lbs from 2012-2014, then gained about 60 during pregnancy and have successfully lost the 60 lbs. I am around 185 now and I am 6 ft. Hope this helps and best of luck to you on your journey!

    ETA: Sorry the pics are so big!

    You look fantastic!!! Definitely gives me an idea!
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