Any other short-legged people? What do you see as your ideal weight?



  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    I am 5'5 and have short legs like you and have to buy petite pants. My lowest adult weight was around 160lbs or so. I am aiming for 150 lbs (CW 207.8) but I couldn't see going any thinner than that.

    I have an hour glass shape as well and I remember usually around 170 lbs you can see my collarbones and the bones in my wrist begin to be very pronounced. 150 lbs is a low as I'm willing to go. I've tried everything over the years but my thighs will always be thick and losing more weight only makes my waist smaller.
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    I'm 5ft4 and have particularly short legs too. I have wondered the same about BMI and differently proportioned bodies, but as a young adult I was underweight according to BMI so I know I can definitely fit well into the normal range.

    I have just in the last week dipped below BMI 25, so no longer "overweight" - I definitely still am "overweight for me" though. I have wide hips but not a large bust, and not much definition of a waist.

    Overall I think BMI is still an appropriate guide and my goal weight is 60kg at this stage (around 132lb) which would be just below BMI of 23. I will have to wait and see how that looks/feels and then decide if that's about right for me.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    The thing you have to remember is that the "normal" BMI range is very wide, precisely to allow for variations in body shape, proportions, musculature etc. It is not as prescriptive as people say, not by a long chalk.

    For example, for my height it goes from 7 stone 10 to 10 stone 5 - that's a range of 2 stone 9 (37lb). When people talk about how "the BMI doesn't fit everyone because everyone is different" it always confuses me - the system is already set up to allow for those differences. I doubt I'll be happy going below 10 stone, but someone the same height as me with a lighter build (or longer legs) could be two full stone (28lb) lighter and BMI will class both of us as being at a healthy weight.

    So the furthest I would go would be to say, yes, maybe people with short legs should be towards the top of that range, and people with long legs should be towards the bottom. But I don't think having short legs is a good reason to want to stay overweight.

  • mlinci
    mlinci Posts: 403 Member
    everher wrote: »
    I am 5'5 and have short legs like you and have to buy petite pants. My lowest adult weight was around 160lbs or so. I am aiming for 150 lbs (CW 207.8) but I couldn't see going any thinner than that.

    I have an hour glass shape as well and I remember usually around 170 lbs you can see my collarbones and the bones in my wrist begin to be very pronounced. 150 lbs is a low as I'm willing to go. I've tried everything over the years but my thighs will always be thick and losing more weight only makes my waist smaller.

    That really sounds like me! I just measured my waist again and it's edging towards 29 inches now, so I lost close to seven inches off my waist, and practically nothing off my hips.

    Thank you for your insights, everyone. It's really helpful hearing from others who are similarly proportioned.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Yep--I wear tall tops and petite/short pants. My torso is insanely long.

    I worked with my doctors to come up with a goal weight that makes sense for me. I also have a large frame, large breasts and carry a lot of muscle, so the standard formula really doesn't work for me at all.

    I am a little over 5'10" and 190 is my goal, so that is a BMI of 27. I've never quite been able to get that low as an adult (massive metabolic issues), but I look pretty good at 208, which is the lowest I have been. 200 may be the best that I am able to do.