Ate and ate...and ate (womanly topic)


Stupid monthly "gift" is scheduled to appear, and of course my appetite is up up up. Today I thought I would just eat up to a certain point, and then go exercise. Well...I managed to gash my heel in the glass door, and putting on shoes (aside from flip flops) hurts a lot. Plus, I guess I needed a more supportive sports bra, because my chest is in PAIN. As usual...

I'm currently sitting at 1900-2000 calories right now. I only log on my phone (if it syncs with this site, I don't know how). Lots of sodium, and all around unhealthy junk.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better calorie wise.

How do you other ladies take care of appetite cravings?


  • kkdelduca
    kkdelduca Posts: 73
    Extra water. Protein, keeps you full longer. I like protein shakes. Indulge a little. Plan out your treat. If you want a slice of chocolate cake, work off those calories before you have it. I love chocolate. So I pick out what I want like a reeses cup. And have it at the end of the day when I have been good on calories. Hope this helps.
  • krouse83
    krouse83 Posts: 182 Member
    You can't be perfect all the time with your calorie intake, esp during these times. Try to plan ahead. You know well in advance when you will probably be getting your "gift" as you call it so plan for it. Eat meals that are lesser in cals and other micros so that you can indulge in other things your body is craving. For example, I crave these pretzels which are extremely salty and garlicy. But I just plan ahead so I can fit that into my day too. You can do this!!!
  • theplumgirl
    If I'm going for chocolate I know I need magnesium...helps the smooth muscles of the uterus etc etc...I also use herbs and stuff to get me through the tough times when I cry at hallmark cards and junk....and some good dark, fair trade chcolate anyway...
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    Protein. Protein. Protein. With every meal. I find if I'm eating enough protein (I have my macros set at 30% protein and try to hit that daily) I am literally too full for cravings.
  • CarlaRG
    CarlaRG Posts: 264
    I've found that upping my water helps and an herbal supplement called Evening Primrose (I believe) helped with the painful girls.
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    Extra water and a protein plus a piece of fruit helps with the cravings. It keeps me full longer. Something like apple or banana with peanut butter or fruit and a piece of cheese.
  • MrsTorresisBACK
    MrsTorresisBACK Posts: 98 Member
    Extra water. Protein, keeps you full longer. I like protein shakes. Indulge a little. Plan out your treat. If you want a slice of chocolate cake, work off those calories before you have it. I love chocolate. So I pick out what I want like a reeses cup. And have it at the end of the day when I have been good on calories. Hope this helps.

    As "KKDelduca" stated...i can tell when i've not had enough water or seems to wake up the snacking beast in me ESPECIALLY around TOM.

    I'm still learning by reading forums and posts from all the great people here on MFP. It's a journey for sure, but we'll get it...Keep at it and don't give up!!

    All the best!
  • goldiejoe
    goldiejoe Posts: 121 Member
    If I'm going for chocolate I know I need magnesium...helps the smooth muscles of the uterus etc etc...

    Interesting. I want to know more about cravings and what my body is really asking for. Please publish more or point me in the right direction to do my own research.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    If I'm going for chocolate I know I need magnesium...helps the smooth muscles of the uterus etc etc...I also use herbs and stuff to get me through the tough times when I cry at hallmark cards and junk....and some good dark, fair trade chcolate anyway...

    Do you feel this really helps? I was just told to take some magnesium for heart palipitations so I am curious.
  • cook6609
    cook6609 Posts: 182 Member
    I agree with others: Increase your water intake... I just finished mine, but had a day where I was at 2800 (around there) for a daily intake.... I also had a delicious chocolate Sundae... Sure I probably could've done without that... I know that I'll tend to be over during my TOM. I definitely increase my water intake. I do try to watch how much I take in, but I don't stress myself out if I go over on those days.
  • duffydog1
    duffydog1 Posts: 76 Member
    I find slow release carbs help me through times when I have an increased appetite - but I keep it really low fat / sugar. Typical day would be porridge oats for breakfast made with water and not milk, sweetened with a teaspoon of honey. Perhaps rice cakes and low fat cottage cheese for lunch with fruit compote and Jacket potato with lean mince chili for dinner and a fat free yoghurt - plenty of water and a chocolate biscuit to make me feel better about everything!

    Re sports bras, the Shock Absorber level 4 is fabulous - you can trampoline in this and not move an inch! (It does do anything for your figure mind you - it has a very flattening effect shall we say!!!)
  • emilycarr71404
    emilycarr71404 Posts: 176 Member
    I know where you are coming from! I totally had two meal like this. What I did was exercise more and enjoy what I was craving. Oddly enough I still made healthy choices but I had a rich dessert and pizza. You can have what your body is craving and still lose weight if you balance it with exercise and plenty of water. I lost 3 pounds that week! Also, after I gave into the cravings, they went away and I was back to my clean eating as usual. Hope this helps. Good luck!
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    If I'm going for chocolate I know I need magnesium...helps the smooth muscles of the uterus etc etc...I also use herbs and stuff to get me through the tough times when I cry at hallmark cards and junk....and some good dark, fair trade chcolate anyway...

    Yes, me too. I tend to crave sunflower seed butter (which I'm a freak for anyway) and that too has lots of magnesium, good protein and quality fat, and other excellent things. I still succumb to junk but it's not as satisfying. Damiana and white willow bark taken the few days before and during seems to help. WWB is like aspirin but works better on low back pain after taking it for a couple of days. Damiana seems to help both mood and the abdomen generally.

    Most importantly, I also have started switching to maintenance calories just for the 5-7 days surrounding the Gift, which is ok for me since I'm not in a hurry for these last few pounds. It gives me more calories while still keeping a limit in place, and it seems to be better than just going over on my normal allowance, with all the guilt, shame, and sneaking desire to lie on my diary. It also allows me to exercise a little less while I'm feeling crummy without having to face a miniscule food day as a result.
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    A handful of the dark chocolate raisins from Trader Joe's has 90 calories - I go for that (and actually, I just had some last night!). They're incredibly sweet, so you don't need to binge to get that craving to go away :)

    Or I'll go for a piece of fruit and a glass of water. Sometimes that's enough to take the edge off
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Sometimes I like to walk around at night when the weather's cooler, and it gives me a chance to look at the stars. Sometimes I take my dog, sometimes I don't--it depends on if he's had his dinner yet or not. I actually slipped on a wet spot in the kitchen the other day because my cousins' dog slobbered all over the place!

    Try watching your micros to see what you may be missing--those often trigger cravings.
  • tjthegreatone

    Stupid monthly "gift" is scheduled to appear, and of course my appetite is up up up. Today I thought I would just eat up to a certain point, and then go exercise. Well...I managed to gash my heel in the glass door, and putting on shoes (aside from flip flops) hurts a lot. Plus, I guess I needed a more supportive sports bra, because my chest is in PAIN. As usual...

    I'm currently sitting at 1900-2000 calories right now. I only log on my phone (if it syncs with this site, I don't know how). Lots of sodium, and all around unhealthy junk.

    Hopefully tomorrow will be better calorie wise.

    How do you other ladies take care of appetite cravings?

    *Hunts around for eat all the food gif*

    For me self control is completely out of the question at this time :laugh: It's open season on the fridge and cupboard! I try to mitigate the damage by exercise a lot more (including gentle cardio on the days when I'm in pain - it helps a lot).

    Suggestions like substituting your cravings for something healthier may work for other women...sadly not for me.

    The only things that help a bit are eating more red meat and drinking more water. I often put on a good 6-10lb around this time which I slowly lose over the next week. The overeating usually stops once the period arrives (can I stress usually as this has been known to fail on occasion :laugh: :mad:)
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    In agreement with all of the other posters... protein & water is your best bet! You'll find that most of the ladies on here start syncing up mysteriously, so we're usually on at around the same time and this topic will come up every month or so lol Just be on the look out for those posts too since more people may chime in!

    For now, know that you can't be perfect and your cravings MAY get the best of you at times. It's just your chance to fight back and work harder when you can. :drinker:
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I haven't had my "gift" in ... 15 years. so I can sort of remember the cravings but haven't experienced in a long while.

    however, i wante to point something out - while i was reading your post, i thought:

    Stupid monthly "gift" is scheduled to appear, and of course my appetite is up up up...

    Again, it's been a while for me but - is it an absolute given that we "must" eat more? that we WILL succumb to the cravings? is it possible that this is another unhealthy habit that we have to change? (i know, easier said than done, and i know that there are acutal studies and research and it has to do with hormones etc but maybe it CAN BE controlled?).

    just a thought

    I was going to say "food for thought" but that might be dangerous:bigsmile:

    I think about myself - i get home from work around 7, eat dinner, then eat and eat and eat. it's been a habit of mine for years and years. and i decided that it's a nasty habit and i'm working on controling it. no, it's not easy but i am doing my best, trying to do other things (replace my unhealthy habits with healthier ones) and not accepting "as a given" that i will sit for two hours after dinner and 'graze'.
  • WalkingMermaid_
    WalkingMermaid_ Posts: 205 Member
    I used to suffer terribly with monthly cravings, it was awful. I could easily put away 3000-4000 calories A DAY in the few days leading to my period. This went on for years :noway:

    When I was diagnosed with celiac and had to omit all gluten products (about 6 months ago) I noticed that the monthly cravings had gone completely, and haven't returned. I don't know why this is, but just wanted to share my experience. Maybe cutting out processed carbs in the week leading to your period will help?
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    If I'm going for chocolate I know I need magnesium...helps the smooth muscles of the uterus etc etc...I also use herbs and stuff to get me through the tough times when I cry at hallmark cards and junk....and some good dark, fair trade chcolate anyway...

    Do you feel this really helps? I was just told to take some magnesium for heart palipitations so I am curious.

    I am answering out of turn since I didn't post the comment you quoted, but I cannot say enough good things about magnesium. I supplement it vigorously. Most people don't get enough and the current guidelines are probably not helping matters. They used to recommend twice the magnesium to calcium, now they push more calcium with little attention to magnesium (it's not even a required nutrient to list on food labels) and the result is that people, especially women, are getting too much calcium, which is bad for your heart and organs (see gall stones, etc.). Without adequate magnesium, calcium can't do its bone/tissue-building job well, AND excess calcium isn't removed from your system, so it builds up in tissues where it doesn't belong. Better calcium supplements now include magnesium, because calcium needs (and depletes) magnesium.

    Unlike calcium, it's very difficult to get too much magnesium even with heavy supplementation, and it is disposed of readily for anyone with normal kidney function. Deficiency creates too long a list of symptoms to describe here, and can occur for many reasons, including stress. The objectionable effect some people have with mag supplementation in the beginning is increased bowel movements and potentially loose stools (usually without cramping), but this usually subsides as the body adjusts. For many, the gentle laxative effect is a benefit, and normalizes a sluggish bowel.

    I have had a remarkable turnaround since supplementing magnesium, most notably being able to stop taking a prescription sleep aid within a couple of weeks of starting. One reason for this is that the body cannot create serotonin without adequate magnesium, so if you take anything in the antidepressant class, be aware that you may need to consult with your doc to lower dosage. It also instantly improved chronic pain from my oestoarthritis and old injuries, and dramatically improved *lifelong* bowel problems in the same period. In addition to making sure I eat the mag-rich foods I already love (nuts, seeds, fish, spinach, dark chocolate), I add a little rice bran to foods and take 2-4 magnesium citrate *tablets* with dinner to aid sleep. I take more prior to and during The Gift. It helps a lot, as do epsom salt baths.

    Magnesium is also fantastic for skin, nails and hair, and mine are improved since taking it (I also take a lot of MSM for this).

    I probably need, and take, more than most people due to some chronic health issues, so try starting small and work up until you feel you're getting enough. It's one of those things where if you are severely deficient in magnesium and start supplementing, the effect will be immediate and positive. I slept like a baby the first night after a week of feeling horrible and not being able to sleep. I knew I was onto something!

    /sermon :)