New to calorie counting

Annamariefraz Posts: 3 Member
edited November 2016 in Introduce Yourself
I have never tried to lose weight never wanted to i love being a BBW we rock but i have left my low droping blood sugar inproperly cared for jacking my sugar with mt dew and reeces cups my body has decided to retaliate by boderline diabetic my butt so in order to get it under control and off meds i have went sugar free low carb calorie counting crazy some good food ideas and tips would be appreciated since never have i attempted this before ....exercise idea for arthritis riddled body would be nice too if anyone has ideas thought and yummy raw veggie dishes thanks inadvance ...anyone in mansfield ohio maybe get together for walks or food shopping swap ideas


  • 2MuchTyme
    2MuchTyme Posts: 129 Member
    Swimming and water aerobics are the best ideas for people with painful arthritis. I have found as well being and arthritis sufferers myself that as I have now lost 33 pounds my arthritis seems much less painful much less often.

    Nothing wrong with loving the way you look and loving the Way You Are as long as your health is good I am in the same situation I do not care to take medicine for blood sugar so I am losing weight and go and carbohydrate free to get that under control it's a battle I am not always winning but I will
  • Annamariefraz
    Annamariefraz Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for your idea i will have check area for water aerobics