Have you lost over 50 lbs? How did you do it?



  • Gotrek1
    Gotrek1 Posts: 64 Member
    65lbs so far exercise is playing with kids and walking at lunch. Just watching how much I'm eating. I still eat anything I want. Just paying attention to how much.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited November 2016
    I just hit the 50-lb. mark fairly recently and am finding that mentally I feel like I wanted to put on the brakes for a minute there, diet-wise. I had more momentum to get "to" 50 lbs., if that makes sense.

    However, I haven't gone off the rails or anything. I basically maintained for about three weeks and now it seems like things are inching downward again (my weight loss isn't very fast; it took me 11 months to lose those 50 lbs.). So I think I've broken through the mental barrier. And the rest is physical, all physical. Now just as it was at 212 lbs., it is a matter of CICO for me.

    The only thing physically (v. mentally) harder for me, really, is that obviously, I can't eat as many calories now and lose; I am carrying around half a person worth of weight less than I was then. :) Yes, that's been an adjustment. In the beginning I felt much less that I was carefully restricting than now...there was more wiggle-room, simply because I required more calories just to move that much more weight around. But I'm dealing with it.
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    edited November 2016
    I'm down 60 pounds from my maximum weight - but some of the loss came from giving birth, so those 20ish pounds don't really count. For the other 40, I watched what I ate and got more active. I was able to lose the first 10 by making some healthier choices and working out a few times a week, but it was a very slow process.

    The last 30 pounds came off much faster because I started logging my intake (which made me cut down on some of my more calorific dinner and snack choices - and, more importantly, made me cut way back on restaurant meals). I also went back to work which dramatically increased my activity level. I am now averaging 20K steps per day and almost never under 15K.
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    Consistency. Find what works for you. Do that.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    105 lbs lost here in two years. For the most part I just did what I always had been doing, I just ate less. I keep track of my fiber (try to keep it above 25 g/day) and salt (try to keep it below 2000 mg), but other than that there's no real specific "rules".

    Also, I took up walking. A lot of walking. 3+ miles a day of it. I love it.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Started at 180, I'm 5'4" (barely) and it took me about 20 months to lose 55 pounds. At first just counted calories and exercised- eating back all exercise calories. After about 4-5 months loss slowed down a lot so I started eating back only half of my calories and that helped. I also increased exercise intensity and started doing intervals more. It does slow down the less you have to lose, and it is also annoying that you burn fewer calories the less you weigh. For those last 5-10 pounds I stopped eating back all exercise calories just to see my goal weight once, and then for maintenance I have been trying to stay on calorie goal (which for me is about the same) only I eat back all of my exercise calories. So with exercise I am eating 1400-1500 calories per day. Sometimes I eat more but try to balance out the week. I also weigh myself weekly and my goal is just to stay within a 5 pound maintenance range. Just keep going- it will come off. I have had a few plateaus when I was doing everything right, but over time you will get there.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    edited November 2016
    I've lost 67 pounds since late February. I attribute it all to clean living and self-denial!

    Seriously, I just weighed and logged all my food and tried to hit my numbers most days. Took a day or two off whenever I got a little frazzled or the weight loss stalled. Nothing magic, just being reasonably consistent with how I ate over several months. Also walked 30 minutes a day which helped more mentally than physically I suspect.