Motivation to Start

I realize that I need support to start. I have been in my own kind of denial with work, school, and marathon training that my eating habits have gone by the wayside. I feel I am in a breakdown! I lost my support system at the gym I used to go to and now I am finding it hard to build a new support system with such a crazy busy schedule. Also, I am a teacher and my new schedule this year has me working 4 hours straight, no break, language arts and math back to back. Some days I want to scream. I feel I am stress eating all the time.


  • Okohme
    Okohme Posts: 152 Member
    Yikes that sounds like a lot of stress. Do you use MyFitnessPal, it works pretty well for lots of us and can be used super easily from a smartphone. I put off tracking my food for a loooong time, and I realized that it was so easy to do from my phone I didn't really have an excuse. There's ton of support here too.
  • rachelblesso
    rachelblesso Posts: 12 Member
    Searching for motivation is tough. Rarely are you going to find it. Instead, when the thought "Hey, maybe I should go to the gym today," pops into your head, you need to act. As soon as you think that, get up, put on your shoes, throw on a tee-shirt grab you phone and beeline for the gym. Otherwise, you're just going to talk yourself out of it.
  • JcMey3r
    JcMey3r Posts: 431 Member
    Try and workout before you start your day, you will feel fresh and have more energy during the day. I find after a long day that I don't really want to train. Make sure you eat at certain times and maybe even have a alarm set so you don't forget. Pre cook your meals this way you eat good food and don't have to stress about it. One last thing is to ask yourself if you are really hungry get before you eat something? I guess with marathon training you calories would need to be quite high, just ensure you are feeding you body with good nutrients