Looking to flavor up..

Im not a big fan of just "plain" water, I was using this powered stuff like Crytal Light but they have way to much aspartame in them and drinking almost or about 5 bottle of water with alot of aspartame that is in one of those little thing made me really sick after a month of drinking it about 5 times a day. What Im wanting to know is there anything out there like that with none of the aspartame, or not highly sugary and low in calories that I can add to water, right now Im drinking snapple but it has 160 cals and about 40g of sugar and I want to switch it back to something lower but I cant find anything.

Any suggestions, Ive heard of this stevie or stevo stuff but I dont think its around here; also Im not a fan of hot tea so that isnt an option and i really want to keep my calories and sugar for drinks down since I rather fill up on a liquid then food. Any help would be apperciated greatly!!!


  • Rianne90
    Rianne90 Posts: 229 Member
    Maybe add some pieces of fruit to your water? Strawberries are good, as are apples, mint and cucumber (maybe not all together but hey you never know). Lot of more combinations are out there, but I just woke up and can only think of those..
  • neek247
    neek247 Posts: 46
    yah ive done the cucumber water but its not to flavory..
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I know this isn't what you are asking but maybe try to get used to "liking" plain water? In the end, the tasty stuff either has calories or has some nasty chemicals (like aspartame etc) that you say you don't want.

    If that ^^ doesnt' work for you, then try adding lemon slices, mint leaves, or making your own herbal/fruit tea without sugar/sweetener - it will be a bit of trial and error till you find what you like.
  • perrinjoshua
    perrinjoshua Posts: 286 Member
    I found water hard to take at first as well. Definitely still don't like it straight out of the tap but I find that if I put a jug in the fridge every morning and just keep working on that I have no problem with it so long as it is nice and cold (I know room temperature is the recommended way, but hey!) As suggested above, lemon or lime slices in the water might liven it up for you plus you will absorb some vitamins at the same time. At work we have a water cooler that filters the stuff and the water here is not too bad. If I'm feeling really health conscious I even use the room temperature side. It may be the chlorine in the water that you find yucky. Once it has been removed either via filters or sitting in the fridge, it's not so bad. Good luck with this because as you say all that aspartame can't be good.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,214 Member
    A yummy way to flavor it is to get fruit flavored herbal hot tea bags. Put 2 of them into a large bottle of water (32oz is what I use) and put it in the fridge overnight. The next day, shake it up, remove the tea bags, and you have awesome calorie-free water!