What do you think is the main culprit of you gaining weight?



  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Snacking on chips, gummies, chocolate, etc. AND eating out at restaurants

    So, i try and keep both to a minimum
  • Grathiael
    Grathiael Posts: 86 Member
    edited November 2016
    neldabg wrote: »
    In the past, when I went from being overweight to obese, it took place at a time when gym/PE was no longer required as a part of my classes. On top of that, I was eating more. Moving less and eating more packed on the pounds.
    I knew I wanted and needed to lose weight (pediatrician always recommended weight loss at annual checkups), but I did not have enough tools, knowledge, and desire to make anything happen.

    I agree with moving less and eating more.
  • Grathiael
    Grathiael Posts: 86 Member
    Desk job, sugar, wine.

    I can super relate with the "desk job" .. :neutral:
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Grathiael wrote: »
    Me? My sedentary lifestyle. I didn't have body/weight issues back then but when I started working home based, I also started having problems with maintaining a healthy weight and getting rid of those unwanted fats.

    For me it was pain, a sedentary lifestyle, and snacking. Back when I worked more manual labor type jobs and had less time to sit around I stayed a normal weight. Then, doing too much, I managed to fold one of my knees and injure my back. Pain over a few years from those injuries forced me to go back to school, and find a better paying less manual labor job. Here's the rub though, the pain didn't go away because the less I moved the more out of shape I got, and the more physical activity hurt. That is a vicious cycle to get into. I spent my days in a desk job, my nights on the couch eating snacks with the wife in front of the TV. Fast forward about six years and I was 115 lbs overweight (morbidly obese) and was in probably even more pain than before. It cost me much more pain to reverse all that, but I'll never go back to it now that I've lost the weight and become even more fit than I've been my entire life. ;)
  • JLG1986
    JLG1986 Posts: 212 Member
    Eating to quiet any and all emotions, including binge eating.
  • Grathiael
    Grathiael Posts: 86 Member
    Eating too much, especially fatty foods. I was oblivious to the enormous amount of calories that can be packed into such a small serving, so being a volume eater didn't help.

    I also love fatty foods. #guilty
  • Grathiael
    Grathiael Posts: 86 Member
    Misssynth wrote: »
    Sugar. I have a massive sugar problem.

    I also have sweet tooth. Another problem. But I have managed to keep it to a minimum now.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Lifestyle change to sedentary and ignorance of how many calories I was eating and how many I should be eating.
  • hamjamishere
    hamjamishere Posts: 7 Member
    Major heart attack ,loss of 35 % of my left ventricle heart function dropped to 9% , and led to fluid retention every one of the meds from my GP caused weight gain i was eating 1400 cal a day then
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Loving good food way to much...
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    Lack of exercise, not being able to say no to my grandmother's cooking, becoming sedentary (in part due to medical issues), my own lack of willpower to stay focused. Even now, I continue to struggle with getting in exercise and staying focused.
  • SwanBuch
    SwanBuch Posts: 9 Member
    Oh where to begin... I have always loved food and when I became unhappy used it as a crutch to make me feel better. I hit a very rough patch in life and starting eating and don't think I quit. I ate because I was very unhappy and food was my friend (or so I thought) which lead to me putting on weight and being uncomfortable with my body which lead to me gaining more weight because I was even unhappier PLUS I wasn't getting any exercise because I was embarrassed to go to the gym, walk, etc. I got to where I could control my eating during the day but at night when the "demons" and loneliness got to me I used food as comfort.
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    Raptor2763 wrote: »
    fluid retention brought on by sensitivity to salt

    No. A calorie surplus is the cause.
  • mspris2u
    mspris2u Posts: 161 Member
    My love of food. I get WAY too excited at the prospect of eating. It's not just fuel to me and I wish it would be!
  • cadpro78
    cadpro78 Posts: 125 Member
    Halloween candies got me! :neutral: I just gave all my candies that the kids didn't get in my breakroom at work... lol
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    Question: Am I feeding my body or an emotion? 90% of the time. Unplanned foods that I eat are triggered by emotions. This is a struggle. Awareness is the 1st step.

  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    I'm not consistent. On my days off I am really good. I work out I eat mostly healthy. I go to work (12/14/16 hr days) and I eat like crap and am mostly sitting.... and I really lack drinking water now that is is cooler.

    *eating disorder does not help but I can not use that as an excuse just something to be aware of.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    Alcohol twice per weekend. But now that it's "bulking" season (in line with football season, how convenient) I made a pact to myself to lift hard 6 x week (Sunday is my rest day, surprise!) and eat super in-line with my macros all week so that when the weekend comes around I can guiltlessly drink that beer, eat those wings and relax and watch the Eagles game on Sunday. Worth it.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    I'm not consistent. On my days off I am really good. I work out I eat mostly healthy. I go to work (12/14/16 hr days) and I eat like crap and am mostly sitting.... and I really lack drinking water now that is is cooler.

    *eating disorder does not help but I can not use that as an excuse just something to be aware of.

    SAME! It's hard to drink water in the colder months. You forget. I usually drink warm stuff like tea and coffee instead. My downfall.