Stuck/Holidays are Coming/What to Do?

I am a teacher who set a goal this summer to lose 5 pounds per month. I knew that was attainable goal as I have LOTS to lose!
So I went through the summer pretty strong, swimming laps, biking and walking. I lost 15 pounds. Now that school has been in session, I've only lost 3. Now, I know that every loss is a good loss, but I'm stumped.
I feel as if I'm more active during the school day as I'm constantly moving around rather than just moving during my workout and then lounging in the sun. I always pack my lunch and either either a healthy soup or salad. So my food is pretty spot on. I try to walk every night after school with my dog too.
I'm stuck and so very nervous about the holiday as I don't want to gain any but rather lose.
My main reason right at this point for short term success is a trip to Hawaii. I want to look smokin in my Ashley Graham bikini. My fiance loves me just the way I am even though I've gained weight since we've been together. He supports me and has started eating somewhat healthier also.
I'm wondering if anyone has some suggestions for ways that I can crank the fire back up. I would really like to lose 30 more pounds before Hawaii. I know that seems like a large number but I have over a hundred pounds to lose.
Do I crank up the workouts? Do I cut back more on the food?
I'm at a total loss and could really use some guidance/motivation.

I'm not looking for a quick fix by any means. I'm looking for something that will be effective long term but hopefully provide me with some short term success.

Some background about me. In 2011 I lost 85 pounds. It almost seemed to come off effortless. Now, 5 years, later. I've gained it all back and am struggling horribly this time around. I feel as if I'm doing everything right but the freaking scale just won't move. I don't drink alcohol or soda. I really only drink water or tea (no sweetner or cream). I eat 85% healthy with only the occasional splurge.


  • jpc763
    jpc763 Posts: 24 Member
    I was in your shoes a year ago. I *believed* that I "eat 85% healthy with only the occasional splurge". I worked out, I was active, but I was also 60lbs overweight. What I found was that when I *honestly* tracked the calories in and calories out, it was more like 15% healthy. I was, at best, holding steady but never losing.

    I started tracking with MFP. I found a way of eating that works for me and I set a goal that would have me lose 2 lbs per week. I stuck to that with NO splurging and the weight began coming off. I increased my activity and the intensity of my activity as I lost the weight.

    So my recommendation is to log everything! Be honest. Weight your food. MFP is a great tool, but only works if you keep it honest. If I know I am going to have a big dinner, I plan for it so I still stay under my calorie goal. If I have a super intense workout than I get to have more calories, but still maintain a deficit so I can continue to lose.

    Good luck. You can do it. If I can do it, anyone can!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Cut your calories. 3 lbs lost in 2+ months of school for somebody with 100 lbs to lose indicates a very small deficit.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    If you've been counting calories, you most likely need to tighten up your logging. This may include any of the following: making sure every bite and sip that crosses your lips is logged, using a food scale to weigh all foods and measuring cups for all liquids, double-checking the accuracy of the database entries you choose against food labels or the USDA database, utilizing the recipe builder instead of logging homemade or generic meals, and being mindful of how many exercise calories are burned and/or eaten back.