
Okay, I lost 40 lbs in about 5 months and it was awesome. I moved and got a new job which took some time off of focusing on gym and eating and I gained back 20 lbs. now I've been stuck here at the same weight for 3 months! Any tips or motivation would be so awesome.. thanks!


  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,222 Member
    How are you measuring your intake?
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Do what you did before to lose weight?

    The only way to lose weight is a caloric deficit. Set MFP up correctly and eat your calorie goal consistently and you will lose weight. Work is an excuse for bad eating.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    eat less
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    edited November 2016
    Okay, I lost 40 lbs in about 5 months and it was awesome.I moved and got a new job which took some time off of focusing on gym and eating and I gained back 20 lbs. now I've been stuck here at the same weight for 3 months! Any tips or motivation would be so awesome.. thanks!

    Have you recalculated and readjusted your daily calorie goal based on your new and lower weight (of 20 pounds less than original) and your slower and more sedentary lifestyle?

    I agree with the others that you are at maintenance level now. If you want to start losing 0.5 pounds a week you can subtract 250 calories off of your current TDEE. Weight loss slows as you get closer to goal because the deficit keeps getting smaller.
  • pdo27789
    pdo27789 Posts: 120 Member
    Short answer, change something.

    I plateaued for a couple months and gained back 7. So I refocused my involvement, diary, and exercise.
    - I got more involved in the forum and added some friends for daily accountability / similar interests
    - I got more honest with my diary (not logging something because I went for a longer walk, only fools myself)
    - I stared more exercise, c25k running and a simple 7 minute workout on the off days. It requires me to wake up at 4:30 am, which sucks, but it's better than complaining about how busy I am.

    I've now lost the 7lbs in just over 2 weeks, and I've found a new exercise that I actually enjoy (I used to think runners lied about enjoying it).