Introduction: Cosplayer~

Hello! My name is Christina. I often go by the name 'Chris' as it is kinda just a thing my family started and it kinda stuck.

I'm looking for fellow cosplayers to be friends with! Weight has always been a struggle in my family and i find that most of my motivation for weight loss is now because i want to fit into certain costumes that i wouldn't be comfortable (or confident) in. Personal preference. I believe that you can and should dress how you want but i have my own complexes for myself.

I'm 24 (soon to be 25) years old, have severe anxiety, Vertigo, Irritable bowel, asthma and a lot more. My eventual goal apart from looking good in costume is to be able to travel to conventions across the state (and maybe even a few in Europe) comfortably and have fun! Lately it's been nothing more than a miracle i'm surviving the mass of people at work.

So, if you want to be friends with me don't hesitate, cosplayer or not. I'm always looking for reassurance and motivation. Tips are also welcome!