Exercise Logging Too Restricting?

DX810 Posts: 26 Member

So overall MFP seemed like a really good website to keep track of my workout/diet, but I was heavily disappointed at how the logging-in features of the exercises is very restricting. I wanted to know if I'm doing something wrong.

For example, at the gym yesterday I did this:

Treadmill 15 mins
Elliptical 10 mins
Treadmill (4 sprints) 10 mins
Cycling 10 mins
Rowing machine 15 reps (3 sets)

---- at this point I burned 200 cals ----

Then I did
Pulldown/latdown 10 reps (3 sets)
Plank (2x)
Core strengthening exercises (customized by physio therapist)
Legs conditioning

--- I checked Fitbit it states I burned 415 calories ---

Now how the hell do I log this into MFP?

I tried logging each exercise separately but it keeps calculating the calories for EACH activity and that's not gonna work for me because I don't know exactly how much calories did I burn FOR EACH MACHINE. I can obviously check next time but that's a horrible way to spend the gym session, checking and logging every calorie I burn every 5 minutes :/

I tried connecting the Fitbit to MFP but it didn't work.

This is seriously disappointing. I don't understand why MFP insists on calculating the calories for you and customizing the activities I want is also not helping. If I ignore this and just log the activities, it will calculate the total amount of calories I burned incorrectly, which then does not correspond accurately to my overall goal.

How are you guys using this?


  • elka67
    elka67 Posts: 268 Member
    Circuit training? Then add the minutes till you get the calories count you burned.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you have your fitbit synced to MFP, it should add the exercise calories itself?
  • DX810
    DX810 Posts: 26 Member
    elka, but that's not accurate. So for example I'll say I worked on the treadmill for 40 minutes in order to get 150 calories when I only worked 15 minutes?

    Will the Premium package allow me to customize the minutes/calories further?

    TavistockToad, it tells me Fitbit surge is synced from both sites (fitbit & MFP) but it doesn't show me any of my history...

    That's why I was wondering if it only shows the input from this point onward?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Fitbit will only give MFP the number of steps taken and total calories burned. There is no way to distinguish what was burned from exercise, since it's meant to be worn all day and counts your total movement.
  • janetennet
    janetennet Posts: 143 Member
    I created a "Gym (Various Cardio/ Ex)" Exercise and then just put in my calorie burn into that - solves all my problems whether I'm sticking with cardio or including circuit/ weights.

    Please keep in mind that a fitbit does not accurately show your calories burnt and will grossly over/ under-estimate (I train with a HR chest strap and fitbit for this exact reason)
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    janetennet wrote: »
    I created a "Gym (Various Cardio/ Ex)" Exercise and then just put in my calorie burn into that - solves all my problems whether I'm sticking with cardio or including circuit/ weights.

    Please keep in mind that a fitbit does not accurately show your calories burnt and will grossly over/ under-estimate (I train with a HR chest strap and fitbit for this exact reason)

    I find my FitBit to be quite accurate and it's the cheap Zip. Many people feel the same.

    OP, you should be seeing an adjustment under the exercise tab that says FitBit. If not, there could be some syncing issues at the moment. There is also a FitBit group you can join, they have lots of great info.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    DX810 wrote: »
    elka, but that's not accurate. So for example I'll say I worked on the treadmill for 40 minutes in order to get 150 calories when I only worked 15 minutes?

    You can overwrite the suggested calorie burn if you feel your estimates are more accurate, or one calorie if you are getting an adjustment from Fitbit for that particular exercise.
    Be careful about double counting from Fitbit and manual logged entries,
  • DX810
    DX810 Posts: 26 Member
    In this case my quest in trying to find the best platform/app to log my workout is NEVER ENDING :(

    Janet, I heard that but the problem is I don't like gadgets strapped to my body or close to my body for that matter. This is why I only wear the Fitbit when I workout only and never sleep with it [for anyone that's going to give me a lecture about this, I have a tumor in my body and I'm allowed to be paranoid].

    I guess I'll just do what Janetennet does and log it into a broad category, such as Gym Workout and log in the total calories and then under the Notes section, I'll write in details what I did. Was really hoping to find something already that can be comprehensive enough to let me go into details.

    It's 2016 and we still don't seem to have good workout apps :neutral: