
I know this has probably been asked a lot, but I am struggling so much. Please any advice would be great. I am a mom of an 11 year old with anxiety issues. I am single and work 40hours a week and have a long commute. I try to get up at 4:30 am three days a week (try) to go to the gym for 45 minutes, and then 2 days a week I run at lunch or do a DVD at home. I am feeling exhausted and am eating more than I should at night to combat some of my own issues (depression, loneliness etc). I want to lose weight and feel better so bad but I keep sabotaging myself and I don't know why. I feel really good when I work out and stick to healthy eating, but at night my life seems to catch up with me and I fix it with unhealthy food. Any thoughts?


  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    instead of going to the gym at 430, why not go at night during the time that you are having a tough time? If you know that is your problem time, find something to distract you during that time.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Why not find some type of activity you can do with your son in the evenings. Exercise has been shown to improve both depression and anxiety. Walk, run, ride bikes, hike, swim, even lift weights together. if you are lonely, maybe you could join a hikiing or biking club or some other type of activity that would provide exercise in a group setting.
  • JakeBrownVB
    JakeBrownVB Posts: 399 Member
    seems you have more issues mentally and emotionally then you do physically. put focusing on weight loss to one side and concentrate on becoming content with your current life.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Also, make sure you're getting enough calories during the day. And water, water, water!
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    If you enjoy or have to work out in the mornings, get to bed earlier if you can - more sleep helps with everything (depression, stress, weight loss, um... tiredness), plus you have less time to make bad food choices in the evenings. I know that's kind of like saying "well, just eat less and move more!" - it's never that easy, especially if you're a single mom, but even 20 or 30 extra minutes of precious, precious sleep can have a big benefit.

    You can also try moving your calories around - I plan for four meals a day, and two of them are after I get home from work (early dinner with the kids and second dinner about an hour before bed). That whole "breakfast is the most important meal of the day/no eating after 6pm" thing is bs for most people; knowing I have more real food coming keeps me from wandering around the house and having a bite of this and a handful of that. Or maybe you need to eat more during the day so you won't feel so snacky in the evening - don't be afraid to switch things up and see how it goes.

    And, yeah, distraction. If you are just snacky and not hungry, drink a big glass of water, make a cup of tea, brush your teeth, do the dishes, whatever. If you don't forget you were snacky after half an hour, then it's probably time to eat something.
  • How about going to bed earlier? You can't eat if you are sleeping. My kids are 3 & 5 and I go to bed at 9:30 so I can workout at 5:00 am.
  • fitcolette
    fitcolette Posts: 67
    I know you don't work out at night, since that is the only time you have with your 11yr old, but I do like the idea of the both of you hitting the outdoors together. Any movement is great, quality time, and if you hit a park that would be your gym. Also, maybe just not have certain foods available to you at home. Only have healthy treats around, and what ever your child likes, make sure it's a small amount and only for her.

    I know how hard night eating is though. I still have my moments and then I feel so guilty and mad at myself. I'm starting to know why I do that (what triggers it) and I now try to find something else to do instead. I will even go to bed earlier or bring my laptop to a different room and just play on that. Also, mint tea or gum works nicely sometimes.

    You'll figure out what is best for you, but you have been doing so great, so please don't beat yourself up to much. Thank you also for your honesty here :) {{hugs}}