You tube videos.

Already lost 10kg in a month by eating healthier and starting a couch to 5k program. The c25k program gets me out running at 6am Monday, Wednesday and Friday but I feel a major gap Tuesday, Thursday and weekends and now I'm use to being awake earlier I have 30 spare minutes in the morning when I could exercise. I don't have any equipment at home and was wondering if anyone could recommend any suitable You Tube exercise video programs I could use to fill these 30mins to aid my weight loss and benefit my fitness?
Thanks in advance


  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    Try Fitness Blender videos. If you go to you can search by length of video and difficulty level and a bunch of other things. Their videos are all free and really straightforward. Last I was on there you couldn't make their videos full-screen, so you can search on their site and then look up the video you want on youtube.