
So over the course of a week I've gained 6 lb . I am super freaked out and I frustrated because nothing I seem to be doing is working. I worked out 6 days last week and I ate reasonably well except for I was eating a lot of almond butters and coconut chips and not a lot of vegetables . And in my reasonable mind I know these are things that cause me to gain weight . But I have been lost for the past 4 months on what diet to follow to drop the last remains 17 lbs . I tried intermittent fasting , I've tried counting macros ( but that's plain confusing ) and I've tried paleo but can stick to it long enough to see any results . And advise ? Or any successful program I can try


  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Just go with a reasonable deficit and count calories eating the things you like whilst being mindful to make sure it's mostly nutrient rich? Basically, how you will eat forever, just a little less so you lose. That's what MFP is here for.
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    I'm sure you didn't "really" gain 6 lbs in a week, because that would mean you ate 21,000 calories over what your body needs. A lot can be water retention, stress, etc. Our body fluctuates in weight several pounds each day

    You don't have to cut out any particular food, or follow a fad such as paleo.

    Do you use a food scale, to weigh all your foods? Because while nut butters are not bad for you, they're very calorie dense, and a true serving is actually smaller than you think. Veggies and exercise do the automatically make us lose weight; it's all put calories in/calories out.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Count calories. Remain in a caloric deficit. Use myfitnesspal to log everything, measure all foods as accurately as possible, preferably with a digital food scale.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    It doesn't matter WHAT you eat, just HOW MUCH you eat. At least for weight loss. Ideally you do want a good balance of macros though- adequate protein, not go overboard on fat or carbs.... But that's far less important than counting calories. If you eat the right amount of calories you will lose weight. No matter what specific diet you eat.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, it's all about a calorie deficit. All the different diets are just different ways to get your calories right and not be hungry. Eating chips won't make you gain weight unless it makes you go over your calorie goal.

    My suggestion:
    1. Take a few deep breaths!
    2. If you don't have one, get a digital food scale. Use it for every solid food you possibly can, at least until you get back on track.
    3. Log EVERYTHING, accurately and consistently.
    4. Check that you are using accurate database entries (don't use homemade, generic, mis-spelled, etc, they are user entered and often wrong)
    5. Plan to fit the foods you love into your day, along with nutritious foods.
    6. Give it at least 4-6 weeks to really get on track.

    Once you start to see progress, re-evaluate your plan. Some people hate weighing portions, other people are fine doing it forever. It's not necessary, but it sure can be helpful. Good luck!
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    So over the course of a week I've gained 6 lb . I am super freaked out and I frustrated because nothing I seem to be doing is working.
    First things first. You need to relax. Has anything changed in the last few weeks (diet, exercise, general activity)? Adding or increasing exercise, excess sodium and excess carbs can cause water retention. Also, hormonal changes can cause a spike in weight due to fluid retention.

    Weight loss is not linear. Some weeks you'll maintain, some weeks you'll gain and some weeks you'll lose. It is all about the downward trend over time that matters.
    I worked out 6 days last week and I ate reasonably well except for I was eating a lot of almond butters and coconut chips and not a lot of vegetables . And in my reasonable mind I know these are things that cause me to gain weight .
    Are you counting calories? Are you logging consistently? Weight loss isn't about food types, it is ALL about calories. To lose weight, one must consume fewer calories than they burn in a day (TDEE). How are you figuring out your calories? Are you weighing all your solid and semi solid food on a food scale? Also, exercise is for health and not specifically weight loss, but it can help to create a deficit.

    How many calories does mfp give you?
    But I have been lost for the past 4 months on what diet to follow to drop the last remains 17 lbs . I tried intermittent fasting , I've tried counting macros ( but that's plain confusing ) and I've tried paleo but can stick to it long enough to see any results . And advise ? Or any successful program I can try
    You need to quit the 'diet' mentality. Weight loss comes down to calories, not food type, or food elimination. Yes, you can still lose weight and have a daily chocolate bar.