New starting line

Hello all, my name is Melissa and I am mid 30's, tall (5'10), big boned/ large muscles but overweight (currently 228 lbs). Last year I was able to get down to 209lb but gained it all back. My goal is 175 lbs which I was at for my wedding which is a good and healthy amount.
I have a lot of pain due to fibromyalgia and generalized knee and back problems. So intense workouts dont work well. I also work overnights 13 hour shifts.
What are some good plans, exercise methods etc. I tend to eat relatively healthy but do have a sweet tooth that is hard to suppress. Ideas, direction, advice etc would be greatly appreciated.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    A good plan is one you can and will and do follow. So a good plan for you has to be a strategy, any strategy or set of strategies that makes it easier for you to not overeat.

    You can overeat anything, but for most people, some things are easier to overeat than other things. Investigate the sweet tooth. Does a small amount of something sweet satisfy you? Or does it make you crave more? If the first alternative is most you, include a small treat often, maybe daily. If the second is most you, don't buy and keep anything that creates cravings, and reserve it for special occassions. You have to decide what "special occasion" means - "friend's birthday" can be appropriate if you have 20 friends, but maybe not if you have 300 friends.

    Logging and tracking food in your food diary is a central part of MFP. It can be a pause button, create awareness, help you balance your intake. Give it a shot if you haven't already.

    To be able to resist temptation often enough to lose and/or not gain weight, your normal food has to be so good that you prefer it most of the time. So plan meals that you'll want to eat. Make sure you have all the things you need to make the meals, and time to prepare them, and time to eat them. Then sit down, relax, and enjoy your meal. Bring your own food when that is the best alternative.

    The same thing goes for exercise - the best exercise is something you'll actually do. You can do anything. It's just about getting your body moving. Walk, run, swin, dance, whatever. Building stronger muscles and getting better blood flow can help with pain. Just don't overdo it and hurt yourself.

    The last piece of advice would be general health stuff - get enough sleep and rest, manage stress, limit alcohol intake (if you drink), have some fun and you-time every day.