C25K or 30DS?

Does anyone have any input as to which program would be best to start with? I'd love to be able to do both but know I physically can't! I've done one week of C25K and 2 days of 30ds level one. I find my whole body feels worked after 30ds but the intensity is high. And I'm sore the following day. With C25K I struggled with the running part badly (snails pace and badly out of breath). After adjusting pace, shin splints are gone.

Would 30ds build my endurance and enable me to find C25K easier after the 30 days?

CW: 160lbs
GW: 140lbs
Fitness level: zero lol


  • lousoulbody
    lousoulbody Posts: 663 Member
    Keep at it (running), i promise it will get easier the C25K that is. It took me a month to finish week 1 over and over because my knees hurt so badly....but i pushed through and you will to!! Sorry im not familiar with 30DS
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Do both?
  • gremlinreb
    gremlinreb Posts: 152 Member
    Keep at it (running), i promise it will get easier the C25K that is. It took me a month to finish week 1 over and over because my knees hurt so badly....but i pushed through and you will to!! Sorry im not familiar with 30DS

    I really want to take up running. I've 4 children and it's nice to get that 30 minutes of me time outside of the house.
    The 30DS (day shred) is a circuit training program. It takes about 30 minutes and can be found on YouTube. I find it very intensive!

    Would both push myself too much I wonder though? There's no way I could do on the same day. Would alternating them, say C25K Sunday, Tues and Thurs, then 30 DS on Monday and Friday be of benefit? Rest days Wednesday and Saturday
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Do both?

    Yes..both would be good. 30DS M, W, F, Running on T,T,S.
  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    I've attempted 30DS (I don't about two weeks of week one then gave up). I ached so bad for he first 4 days. I also attempted C25K a few years ago and couldn't run for 60 seconds at first. Gave that up at week 3. I started it again a couple of months ago and stuck to it properly and slowed down as much as I could, and I'm starting week 7 tomorrow! I can jog for 25 minutes without walking! Never thought it was possible.

    I'd like to start 30DS whilst still doing it but I know I wouldn't be able to do C25K for the first week of starting the shred as I'd ache too much, and that may ruin my running. So I'm going to wait until I've finished C25K and then start with 30DS until the aches do and then still run 3 days a week.

    I know a lot of people said do both, but I'd say have a trial week to see if you can do it. I like having the rest days as it motivates me to do it. If I knew I had to do 30DS after I'd finished a day of C25K I think I'd give up, but that's just me!

    Add me if you like, and good luck!
  • cmv2003
    cmv2003 Posts: 52 Member
    30DS is hard, but definitely makes you stronger, just take it at your own pace. Running has never been my thing- I get bored and slack off, also I'm not very good at it. Having said that, having recently completed 30DS, I found treadmill running a lot less difficult than I usually do.
    Alternating the two sounds like a good plan. At the end of the day, doing something is always better than doing nothing. Good luck!
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    I haven't done 30DS, so I can't comment on that, but it would depend on what your fitness goals are. My goal was to run 5k, so C25K was great for me. It took me 13 weeks instead of 8 (I was also starting out at 238.6 lbs) and had to complete a few weeks twice. Once I completed that I worked on decreasing my time. Now I'm working on running 10k.
  • thunder1982
    thunder1982 Posts: 280 Member
    I am currently doing learn to move (level below c2k) to get back into running after injury without overdoing it, while I would love to do strength of something like 30DS at the same time I decided to finish the 4 week program first. I'll move onto c2k after the 4 weeks and introduce strength in the first week which will be easy as its got the intro part all over again which I could otherwise skip. But I'll be alternating not trying to double up on running days.
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 770 Member
    Whichever one you can fit in your schedule and stick with would be the best choice. Take the rest days with either program.

    I get waaay too bored with 30DS. I've tried it two or three times, and always quit around week two.

    With C25K the continued improvement, or change in running venues, or looming threat of a 5k is enough to keep me interested for longer periods of time. Your mileage may vary.
  • gremlinreb
    gremlinreb Posts: 152 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the replies!

    I need to have a proper think as I really don't think I could physically do both, my body really hurts after 30DS and I need to be mindful with C25K due to shin splints.
  • Misssynth
    Misssynth Posts: 179 Member
    I know for me doing two new programmes at once would be just too much. I started running using the C25k programme and it's only recently now I've been running a few months that running doesnt leave a lasting aching effect meaning I need a rest day after. As you get fitter, you'll be able to push your body harder but to start with I'd pick one or the other. Or just do the 30ds (or any other HIIT training video) once a week to build strength. If your goal is general fitness you don't need a really intensive programme.