Tea Drinkers



  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Personally, being raised on sweet tea, I prefer unsweetened iced tea because I actually like the taste of tea.
  • kzakian
    kzakian Posts: 45 Member
    I drink a cup of Irish Breakfast tea every morning with two cubes of sugar and milk. I like all black tea, but Irish Breakfast is my fav at the moment.

    I also love iced tea and it's pretty much all I drink other than water.
  • lessofme65
    lessofme65 Posts: 107 Member
    My favorite hot tea is Constant Comment decaf and I like it with 2 splenda and sugar free vanilla creamer,yummy and very soothing to me. In the winter I drink several cup a day, now that it's so hot, I have about 1 a day. I'm enjoying my water with a decaf peach tea mix in, like crystal light. Makes it much easier to get in enough water for the day.
  • sweetlyybroken
    sweetlyybroken Posts: 209 Member
    I drink it to (as aforementioned) make water taste better for little calories!

    My favorites are the Bigelow flavored green teas - especially pomegranate.
  • igniteaerials
    igniteaerials Posts: 14 Member
    I go through spurts where I will drink a lot of tea. TOTALLY love Teavana, although I think it's rather pricing even though its high quality. I typically stick to black teas but I will do green tea if I want something light and refreshing. I have a buddy who is a bee keeper and I use his all natural honey that still has pollen in it because it helps with allergies.
  • arabola
    arabola Posts: 3 Member
    I have a huge cabinet dedicated only to tea! I used to buy from Teavana, but it's really overpriced (yes, even for the quality.) Adagio teas are great and you can order them online, blend them yourself, or try some of the many blends made by other tea drinkers. They even have cute TV/movie/book themed teas :)

    As for my regular tea drinking... I have a tea made by Kusmi tea, "troika," that's really just a nice earl grey. I'll usually drink it with either a little milk and honey or sugar in the raw. If I need something for sleeping, I'll drink a mango chamomile tea. Some other nice teas I have are a custom blackberry-vanilla blend I made on Adagio, a "felix felicis" blend (also from Adagio,) the Teavana youthberry/orange blossom blend, and pretty much any earl grey. Most light teas I can drink without sweetening, but I will typically add some milk and a little sweetener (honey or sugar in the raw) to darker teas.
  • brixtonbanner
    brixtonbanner Posts: 71 Member
    Yorkshire Tea with milk and sugar
    I am an english northerner so stopping tea would be unthinkable
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    I LOVE me some tea! I love it iced, hot, chai, :love: all of the above!! I do use sweet n low in my tea as I can't have a lot of sugar and grew up using it but I love honey in my hot and green tea. :)
  • i love tea! I don't add milk or sugar unless its chai tea, thats the only time. Otherwise, i like to make: Cardamom, Green Macha, Jasmine, Chamomile, Sleepytime, Earl Grey, Hazelnut, and Lemon. The more tea you drink the higher your metabolism, the more you relax, and the better you stay hydrated!
  • matyoung125
    matyoung125 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm English of course I drink tea! My normal go to is Clipper organic tea. with skimmed milk. It's won awards for taste and uses unbleached tea bags. I also like Gunpowder tea which is a rolled green tea. Great with mint leaves and a spoon of sugar but you can drink it straight. I'm a fan of Earl Grey with a slice of lemon, no milk but it is an acquired taste. Try this out rather than buying a box of Earl Grey.
    Chai is also good but really would have that with loads of milk and sugar.
  • WalkingMermaid_
    WalkingMermaid_ Posts: 205 Member
    I drink mint tea, I have a little teapot and everything! I spend about 10 mins of my day drinking my tea and relaxing... It's very meditative :happy:
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Builders' tea (black tea, strong with hardly any milk), black tea (without milk) if I've run out and can't be bothered to go to the shop, or fresh mint tea made with mint from the garden.

    Oh, and chilled mugicha (?sp) barley tea.
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    Horsetail and lemongrass mixed with honey is my favorite.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I love loose leave tea :) fruit tea is fav by far herb is nice for some yum i dont sweeten anymore but organic coconut syrup is yummy
  • bobf279
    bobf279 Posts: 342 Member
    PG tips for me strong and artificially sweetened at least 10 mugs per day
  • Kaytee86
    Kaytee86 Posts: 88 Member
    Huge tea drinker. I often prefer iced tea, but there are some teas I love that just need to be hot.

    My favourite teas are often berry teas. Number one on my list right now is a pu'erh tea from David's Tea called Berry Good (pu’erh tea, blackberry leaves, strawberries, strawberry leaves, hibiscus YUM).

    Some teas I drink unsweetened but for those that I want a little sweetening in, I usually use a couple drops of agave, usually less than a tsp.