DO NOT Gobble 'Til You Wobble Challenge!



    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    crystalc33 wrote: »
    A little late but I'm in!

    I just started forming good habits using the fabulous app which I highly recommend. Its not a fix all but it got me to start and keep a few good habits and keep them already. (Keeping them is always the hardest part)

    My breakfast usually consists of oatmeal with a tsp of brown sugar, whole wheat toast with1 serving of jelly or butter and sometimes I add in a hard boiled egg or some apple.

    When I read about a healthy breakfast I always seem to skip the protein part of it. Do you have any ideas for protein or what kinds of things do you guys eat to balance it all out?

    For exercise, I have been doing some arm weight exercises and push ups for 8 mins every morning. On Mondays and Thursdays I have been running a mile first thing in the mornings and ride my bike to school one day a week as well.
    I feel like I have to start small and work my way up, because when I have done exercise for 30-60 mins everyday in the past I have always started strong but get tired and end up completely stopping after a week or two
    So my hope is I can start small and work my way up to more exercise so I don't get discouraged.

    Good luck everyone!

    Some good protein sources I love are turkey bacon, eggs, turkey sausage, and peanut butter! Peanut butter on toast or a waffle is my go to breakfast.
    tag2013 wrote: »
    I've been in the routine of exercising 6 days a week for a minimum of 30 minutes per day for the last 2-1/2 months (hoping to make this a permanent lifestyle change). I exercise on Mon, Tue, Thur and Fri mornings for 30 minutes before work. I've been taking Wednesday morning as a rest day. On Sat and Sun I try to get in a minimum of 60 to 90 minutes per day, if weather permits on the weekends I try to get outdoors for a change of pace. We have a nice little gym set up in our home with treadmill, elliptical, recumbent bike, Nordic track, a small weight and yoga area. We've both used that equipment on and off over the years and are hoping that we've both turned a corner together in making this a permanent lifestyle change. I feel very fortunate that my boyfriend is super supportive of my journey for 10 years now.

    Thanks Jodie for your motivational words're going to make a great health coach!!

    Terry :)

    Thank you so much for your kind words! And having that support is wonderful and will certainly help you on this journey!
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member

    Wow – it’s Day 3 of the Healthy Habit Challenge already.

    You’re doing great!

    This challenge is all about realistic baby steps. The easier the changes can be for you, the easier it will be to make them stick.

    One of the most important things you can do for your health is to plan ahead.

    Planning ahead is one of the most important keys to reaching your goals, and maintaining your ideal weight.

    You know the saying “When you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” right? I find this to be so very true when it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle. It does take a little planning, but it’s well worth it.

    You’ll want to look at your week ahead of time (probably on Sunday morning or afternoon) so you can be proactive with finding time to exercise and prepare healthy meals. What do you need to have ready for the week in order to be more prepared?

    What days and times can you exercise? On those super busy days, can you find 20-30 minutes for some kind of physical activity? Maybe talk a walk or do yoga at home.

    Plug it into your calendar as if it’s an important appointment, so you don’t forget. Plan ahead the night before to get your workout clothes ready, so you’ll be ready to go.

    If I left things to chance, I would probably never exercise or cook very many meals at home.

    We’re all busy, and have a million things to juggle, and this is why planning is so important to your success.

    If you find yourself wondering what’s for dinner, and it’s 5:00 pm, you probably failed to plan. It happens to all of us, believe me. I’m not perfect either, but I plan things out a lot more now, and it’s a lot less stressful and a whole lot healthier. Busy nights might call for putting a meal together in the crockpot, so it’s ready when you get home.

    On Saturday or Sunday, plan out your week and your menu so you can get to the grocery store to stock up on what you need for the week.

    By taking just a little bit of extra time to plan, you can make sure that you always have healthy food choices at your fingertips, and you aren’t rushing to make the quick, convenient, highly-processed choices.

    What planning can you do this week that will help you stay on track, and accelerate your success?

    Be Healthy,
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,372 Member
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member
  • LoveThickOrThin
    LoveThickOrThin Posts: 48 Member
    edited November 2016
    I'm in! And ate breakfast so yay me.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,372 Member
    Breakfast is not just an extra meal. It serves several purposes in maintaining a healthy lifestyle

    This has turned to one of the keys for my success on MFP. It's important for me to fuel my body for the rest of the date.

    I'm having omelette, yogurt, 1/2 banana rye toast.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    O.k. I totally forgot that I signed up for this! No problem though because so far, I do the first three challenges anyway...

    Breakfast, I rotate through a couple of options to keep packing for work easy. An english muffin with peanut butter and apple, greek yogurt with granola and a piece of fruit, steel cut oats with apple and a hard boiled egg.

    I try to do a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise 6 days a week. I actually shoot for an hour or more, but break it up into 2 or 3 sessions.

    The key for me staying on target with my calories is planning a dinner menu for the week. It's just my wife and I so I plan for 4 servings and use the leftovers for lunch. Without a plan, we forget to take things out of the freezer and either end up ordering take out food, or scrounging around for what's available and both of those choices cause me to eat more than I should. I have 4 weeks of daily menus planned out and I rotate through these.

    If anyone is interested, I use a an app called pepperplate for my meal planning. It lets me import recipes from other sites, has a weekly planner, a menu planner and a shopping list feature.
  • tag2013
    tag2013 Posts: 204 Member
    I'm better at planning some times than other times. I need to get better with this and be more consistent.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,372 Member
    O.k. I totally forgot that I signed up for this! No problem though because so far, I do the first three challenges anyway...

    Breakfast, I rotate through a couple of options to keep packing for work easy. An english muffin with peanut butter and apple, greek yogurt with granola and a piece of fruit, steel cut oats with apple and a hard boiled egg.

    I try to do a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise 6 days a week. I actually shoot for an hour or more, but break it up into 2 or 3 sessions.

    The key for me staying on target with my calories is planning a dinner menu for the week. It's just my wife and I so I plan for 4 servings and use the leftovers for lunch. Without a plan, we forget to take things out of the freezer and either end up ordering take out food, or scrounging around for what's available and both of those choices cause me to eat more than I should. I have 4 weeks of daily menus planned out and I rotate through these.

    If anyone is interested, I use a an app called pepperplate for my meal planning. It lets me import recipes from other sites, has a weekly planner, a menu planner and a shopping list feature.

    Wow, I'll have to check this out, :) thanks!
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member

    Welcome to Day 4 of the Healthy Habits Challenge.

    Today is one of my favorite topics (maybe this is one of your faves too) – SNACKS!

    It happens to all of us from time to time. You are out and about when the day seems to get away from you and you realize that you are starving. You need to get something to eat right now, and there are no healthy options in sight. So, you try to pick the healthiest option from a list of bad choices.

    While it may not make a long-term difference in your health if the above scenario happens every once in a while, but for many people, it happens on a daily basis. This scenario can easily be prevented with a little planning.

    When you know you are going to be away from home for more than 2-3 hours, have healthy snacks prepared so you can eat on the go.

    Find snacks that appeal to you and are easily transported. You can keep snacks in an insulated lunch box with a freezer pack, if needed. This way you are never stuck without a healthy option when hunger strikes.

    Other options include:

    • Good quality beef jerky
    • Kind Bars (the ones with protein are filling, and have less sugar)
    • Make your own trail mix (example: almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts)
    • Mixed berries or other favorite fruit
    • Carrot sticks and hummus,
    • Apple slices and peanut butter
    • Unsweetened yogurt – add fresh berries
    • Almonds and raisins
    • Make your own healthy ‘treats’ ahead of time like my favorite, NO BAKE ENERGY BALLS! Here's a collection of 25 recipes for you to try.... most of these recipes can be doubled and frozen for a quick snack to grab!

    You don’t have to be a slave to fast food or the vending machine when you are on the go. With a little forethought, you can always have healthy snacks with you, helping you avoid the sluggish feeling that comes from eating empty calories.

    Take control of your diet, and make progress toward living the healthy lifestyle you have been envisioning by preparing healthy snacks to take with you on the go. You will be rewarded with more energy and better results in your weight loss efforts. It only takes a small time investment to begin reaping the rewards!

    What are your favorite healthy go-to snacks that you can bring on the go?

    Live Healthy,
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member
    I like many of the things you listed, especially beef/turkey jerky, fresh veggies and raw almonds. I would add string cheese and protein bars/shakes. A protein bar (I like Quest or Costco brand) is nonperishable and holds up to a a bit of a beating, so it's great for me to ALWAYS keep in my purse or workout bag. That way I'm prepared for unexpected travel/delays/etc.
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    I have another rule in my house about snacks.... if we open up a large bad of snacks, they immediately get portioned into ziploc baggies so they are all measured out and we can't eat the entire bag!!!
  • joeboland
    joeboland Posts: 205 Member
    Being unreasonably restrictive, especially on holidays and special occasions, is only going to set you up for long-term burnout and failure in your bid to lose weight and get healthier. Trust me - dropping 125 lbs over the span of three years comes with a fair bit of experience in the area.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,372 Member

    Protein bars, Almonds, Fruit, plus sometimes for a quick snack Yogurt!

    I love this idea, thanks for sharing!

    I have another rule in my house about snacks.... if we open up a large bad of snacks, they immediately get portioned into ziploc baggies so they are all measured out and we can't eat the entire bag!!!
  • byrd107
    byrd107 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm in
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member

    Cool! We are at day 5 already! Are you hanging in there?

    Okay, so let me ask you…

    Does your morning typically start with a latte or cappuccino? Do you find yourself reaching for a Diet Coke to help you snap out of a mid-afternoon slump?

    While sweet drinks may give you a temporary energy boost, they can also cause your energy levels to crash shortly after. The more sugar you consume, the more you crave it, leading to a never-ending roller coaster ride of sugar highs followed by crashes. The only way to break the cycle is to eliminate (or drastically reduce) your sugar consumption.

    You don’t want to sabotage yourself and undermine all the hard work you have put into your diet and exercise routine. By changing what you drink, you can make sure you are staying on track with a healthy lifestyle.

    Try trading out sugar laden or artificially sweetened drinks for water, or unsweetened iced tea. This will help you stay hydrated without adding unnecessary calories. If you are really craving some flavor, try infused water. You can infuse your water with fruits or vegetables to improve the taste without sacrificing your health, and it’s super refreshing!

    Here is a great post about 14 different ways you can infuse water to make it deeelish -

    Iced green teas (or hot) are an excellent choice and with so many flavored green teas on the market now, you have lots of variety!

    Meeting your body’s hydration needs doesn’t have to be difficult. By switching out your Diet Coke for a glass of fruit infused water or green tea, you can make sure you are properly hydrated without all the added sweeteners.

    Everyone has different hydration needs, based on weight, activity level, and other factors. Make it a starting goal to drink 4-6 (8 oz.) glasses of water a day, and adjust according to your needs. Try to work up to 8-10 glasses a day.

    Take charge of your hydration starting today, and you will be one step closer to achieving your health goals.

    Let us know about your favorite way to enjoy beverages that don’t include sugar or artificial sweeteners.

    Live Healthy,
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    Jodie, your posts look great. Very nice pics to go with them. Attention grabbing. Nice work.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,372 Member
    edited November 2016
    Jodie, I love this ideas, thanks a bunch! This is perfect since instead of coffee at night, hot green tea, I'm switching too. Unfortunately coffee is my downfall, :(:(
  • darvit207
    darvit207 Posts: 46 Member
    Just curious, why green tea as opposed to regular tea? I like to have a cup of tea at night during the fall & winter months. It keeps me warm & keeps me from eating things I shouldn't be eating. Right now I have a box of herbal teas that were given to me. I'm enjoying them a lot.
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    darvit207 wrote: »
    Just curious, why green tea as opposed to regular tea? I like to have a cup of tea at night during the fall & winter months. It keeps me warm & keeps me from eating things I shouldn't be eating. Right now I have a box of herbal teas that were given to me. I'm enjoying them a lot.

    GREAT QUESTION! Did some quick research and actually both black and green teas are great for different reasons! Both have wonderful health benefits...

    Hers a short article explaining....

    Black tea does have more caffeine so if you are caffeine sensitive, don't drink before bed.

    Hope this helps answer your question,