Help getting bad on track after tragedy

I just lost my younger sister in June 2016 and her lost sent me for a roller coaster of emotions. Before she passed I had gone from 225 to 193 and the momentum was going strong. I'm now back to 204 as of November 2016 and I want to start feeling strong again. I tired of my emotions having control over my eating/cravings. I need to do this. I'm a single mother who has no family close by anymore, so I'm hoping to find friends here that will help and I help them.


  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 356 Member
    I just lost my younger sister in June 2016 and her lost sent me for a roller coaster of emotions. Before she passed I had gone from 225 to 193 and the momentum was going strong. I'm now back to 204 as of November 2016 and I want to start feeling strong again. I tired of my emotions having control over my eating/cravings. I need to do this. I'm a single mother who has no family close by anymore, so I'm hoping to find friends here that will help and I help them.

    I am so so so sorry to hear about this. When I lost my dad, my emotions went straight into food. I said, he ate bad and had a heart attack, so I'm just going to eat like *kitten* too. It took a while, but I was able to get back on track and made myself healthier than ever because I did NOT want to end up like him in the long run. You can do this!!!
  • littlebritttfit
    littlebritttfit Posts: 72 Member
    oh, hun :( i'm so sorry for your loss. after my dad passed, the stress and sadness sent me spiraling, too. i really just didn't give a *kitten* anymore... i put on lots of weight, not to mention i had just had a baby, too. i was a mess! give yourself room to mess up... but have goals! not every day is going to be perfect, but the NEXT day will be, right?! and keep going. don't let a screw up keep you down. you can do this!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss. It is so hard and painful.
    My dh's younger sister died about 9 years ago and he has struggled a great deal with the emotional impact. He started having severe anxiety and panic attacks. He sought help from a therapist finally and medication.
    You might try therapy, a pastor or a grief support group. Keep a journal. Meditate. Create something- art, a quilt, a garden, music, etc. Clean. Get out and do something new.
    Most of all feel your feelings and let them out. It takes a long time to heal and come to a new normal.
    I cried every day for at least a year after my mom died. I dreamed about her often and still do. It doesn't hurt to think about her now but it will always feel a little sad. I will always miss her.

    In terms of weight loss set a goal of say 1 lb a week. Eat what you like and log as best you can. If you overeat log it and move on. Get through each day the best you can. Take care of yourself.

    I plan my day's food and prelog it. It helps me stick to my goals.

  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my daughter 12 years ago and it is still so hard sometimes, you do get times when the pain eases but it will never go away. Your loss is still raw and I really feel
    For you. Good for you for seeking support. Take great care of yourself and good luck, stay strong x
  • Grey_1
    Grey_1 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss. Words won't always help, but knowing that others are pulling for you and supporting you will see you through. One foot in front of the other, keep going and keep hanging on to the support you get.