Vacation and diet

I've been on vacation for 10 days and have stuck to my 1200 calories as normal but made a small change by eating back all my exercise calories rather than just a proportion. I've kept up with my exercise routine, swimming 1600m every morning.

I've decided to have a bit of a break for the end of my vacation and eat at maintenance for tomorrow.

I'm guessing that eating at maintenance for a day will mean I gain some water weight? I'm interested to know if anyone has done the same and how much did you gain? And how quickly did it come off again?


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Think about this now. Eating at your maintenance level is keeping your body weight at your current weight. It is fat loss or gain that you should worry about not water weight fluctuations. Am I right? :) you are doing great!