Feeling really down and disappointed in myself.

For some reason I've mentally been in a bad place for the last 5 days and put on a whole 5 pounds! Awful I know and I'm so upset to have ruined all my hard work. I feel really down and de motivated, not sure what to do to myself. And yes it is likely the 5 pounds is all fat because I've had kebab, Chinese, toast, cereal, Nando's, all sorts of things.


  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Just get back on the wagon so to speak and leave it behind you. Learn from it and move on.

    Truly you are in control of getting yourself out of a "bad place" by changing your negative thoughts to positive thoughts. Once I learned I can change my thoughts to positive it was pretty freeing!
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    aww don't beat yourself up, it happens, Just being again get moving and you will be fine. We are all here for you.
  • hiyaitschloe_x
    hiyaitschloe_x Posts: 36 Member
    First of all....relax. There is no way you ate an extra 17500 over your maintenance calories (3500 calories to 1lb).. You're most likely retaining water from the high sodium content of those foods...and where are you on your cycle?

    Weigh loss and gain is not about the type of food you eat. I lost almost 100lbs including chocolate in my way of eating. Calories are KING for weight loss/gaining/maintaining.

    As for what you should do. First of all, cam down. Second of all, accept the fact that there are going to be many fluctuations along the way during your weight loss journey. Weight loss is not linear. Also, understand that gains can be caused by fluid retention (hormones-period, ovulation, too much sodium, too many carbs for some, changing or increasing exercise), constipation and dehydration... Now, don't go eating very little and overexercising for the next few days...proceed with your diet and exercise as NORMAL.

    The most important of all? You have not failed. That's just silly. Are you overly restrictive on your diet (did you cut out a bunch of foods and are you eating at a very low calorie)?

    Thankyou for this. I needed to put my mind at ease. I had been very restrictive of my diet that week eating around 600 calories as I saw the scale going down so frequently I got a bit obsessed. Then my period kicked in and I just ate everything in sight and ordered all kinds of takeaways it was so awful.
    I will get back on track tomorrow.
  • hiyaitschloe_x
    hiyaitschloe_x Posts: 36 Member
    Thankyou everyone else too by the way. I really appreciate you taking time to respond to me.
  • hiyaitschloe_x
    hiyaitschloe_x Posts: 36 Member
    First of all....relax. There is no way you ate an extra 17500 over your maintenance calories (3500 calories to 1lb).. You're most likely retaining water from the high sodium content of those foods...and where are you on your cycle?

    Weigh loss and gain is not about the type of food you eat. I lost almost 100lbs including chocolate in my way of eating. Calories are KING for weight loss/gaining/maintaining.

    As for what you should do. First of all, cam down. Second of all, accept the fact that there are going to be many fluctuations along the way during your weight loss journey. Weight loss is not linear. Also, understand that gains can be caused by fluid retention (hormones-period, ovulation, too much sodium, too many carbs for some, changing or increasing exercise), constipation and dehydration... Now, don't go eating very little and overexercising for the next few days...proceed with your diet and exercise as NORMAL.

    The most important of all? You have not failed. That's just silly. Are you overly restrictive on your diet (did you cut out a bunch of foods and are you eating at a very low calorie)?

    Thankyou for this. I needed to put my mind at ease. I had been very restrictive of my diet that week eating around 600 calories as I saw the scale going down so frequently I got a bit obsessed. Then my period kicked in and I just ate everything in sight and ordered all kinds of takeaways it was so awful.
    I will get back on track tomorrow.

    You need to stop starving yourself on 600 calories! Do you know the long term health risks of starving your body? There are many, including hair falling out, awful skin, brittle teeth/bones, waiting muscle (your heart is a muscle...don't screw around with that!!!), insomnia, restlessness, lack of energy, hormonal imbalances, and more....

    The reason why you went on a binge is due to the heavy restriction. Your body fought back.

    What are your stats (age, height, current weight, goal weight) so that we can help you not binge again?

    Yeah I know the scales were just making me too happy. I'll go back to my usual eating habits. I'm 18, 5'5, 12 stone 7 pounds (including my 5 pound increase I mentioned) and goal weight is 10 stone 3 pounds.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    First of all....relax. There is no way you ate an extra 17500 over your maintenance calories (3500 calories to 1lb).. You're most likely retaining water from the high sodium content of those foods...and where are you on your cycle?

    Weigh loss and gain is not about the type of food you eat. I lost almost 100lbs including chocolate in my way of eating. Calories are KING for weight loss/gaining/maintaining.

    As for what you should do. First of all, cam down. Second of all, accept the fact that there are going to be many fluctuations along the way during your weight loss journey. Weight loss is not linear. Also, understand that gains can be caused by fluid retention (hormones-period, ovulation, too much sodium, too many carbs for some, changing or increasing exercise), constipation and dehydration... Now, don't go eating very little and overexercising for the next few days...proceed with your diet and exercise as NORMAL.

    The most important of all? You have not failed. That's just silly. Are you overly restrictive on your diet (did you cut out a bunch of foods and are you eating at a very low calorie)?

    Thankyou for this. I needed to put my mind at ease. I had been very restrictive of my diet that week eating around 600 calories as I saw the scale going down so frequently I got a bit obsessed. Then my period kicked in and I just ate everything in sight and ordered all kinds of takeaways it was so awful.
    I will get back on track tomorrow.

    You need to stop starving yourself on 600 calories! Do you know the long term health risks of starving your body? There are many, including hair falling out, awful skin, brittle teeth/bones, waiting muscle (your heart is a muscle...don't screw around with that!!!), insomnia, restlessness, lack of energy, hormonal imbalances, and more....

    The reason why you went on a binge is due to the heavy restriction. Your body fought back.

    What are your stats (age, height, current weight, goal weight) so that we can help you not binge again?

    Yeah I know the scales were just making me too happy. I'll go back to my usual eating habits. I'm 18, 5'5, 12 stone 7 pounds (including my 5 pound increase I mentioned) and goal weight is 10 stone 3 pounds.

    Setting mfp so that you lose 1lb a week is a good place for you. Of course, if you're exercising and adding those, eat 1/3-1/2 of those added calories back.
  • katiehepp1
    katiehepp1 Posts: 138 Member
    When I first started this I was so strict as well, I lost a stone and one day I had a bad day at work, I got home and ordered a massive domino's pizza and cookies and ate the whole thing, I felt so bad about myself after and wrote basically the same post. People here made me realise that I shouldn't restrict and be strict with what I eat, I am a very social person and have learnt to adapt my eating around eating out around 5 times a week and I still loose 1-2 lbs a week, don't be too hard on yourself it's a life journey and we will all have down days! X
  • Skyblueyellow
    Skyblueyellow Posts: 225 Member
    Just log it and jump back on board! I had a bad start to last week. Was up a pound at weigh in on Friday. But don't let it derail your efforts. Better to gain a pound or two and get back on board while your slip-up is small!

  • SapphireMoon23
    SapphireMoon23 Posts: 139 Member
    That's where i was going wrong, eating back all the calories i burned. I did not lose a pound for a whole year. Silly me. I'm back to losing about 1 lb per wk. Now i am so accustomed to eating 1350 cal or a bit less, that even when i exercise i barely eat back the burned cal.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    The weight gain is likely to be water weight. Tomorrow is a new day so get back on track asap.