Fat burning training vs aerobic fit training



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    I think the discussion has moved on from the OP's question four days ago. It's morphed into a debate about whether there exists an intensity of exercise where you burn more fat than glycogen, or if that's a myth.

    You can probably figure out what my answer is to your question by reading my previous few posts in this thread. :wink: But a quick summary: the fat burning zone is real, even if people have goofy and unfounded ideas about it, just like "you should lift heavy to build muscles" isn't a myth even if there's somebody out there who wants to lift medium weights for a different reason.

    It's "real" in the sense that you do burn a higher percentage of fat at lower intensities; but it's completely irrelevant to weight/fat loss as substrate utilization doesn't affect body composition. You burn the highest percentage of fat when you're asleep, but I don't often see sleeping all day recommended as an effective method of losing fat/weight or improving body composition.

    The OP said that their "main interest is to burn fat and lose weight". In that context, it's irrelevant what zone they're training in. If they had mentioned that they were specifically interested in improving their aerobic or anaerobic performance, the answers would have been quite different.

    That is probably because your metabolic functions decrease while sleeping; IIRC it's something like 15-25%, :o
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    No. "Fat burning zone" is for pacing during endurance events like marathons, centuries, and gran fondos.

    Edit for clarity: It's not about fat loss. Athletes use this knowledge of energy source to avoid "hitting the wall" or "bonking."

    If the OP's goal is fat loss why would an endurance event pacing "phrase" be useful for them. Fat loss comes from a calorie deficit.

    Exactly. No need to confuse people that are looking for simply answers and not a debate over something that is on another tangent.