Loss of motivation.

I've been recovering from anorexia for two years now and everything has been going fine but recently I've been feeling tired, unhappy and unmotivated to keep going with my weight gain. I've reached a healthy weight but my diet wasn't the best because I started eating foods I deprived myself off for so long. I was wondering if anybody had any motivation to get back on track.
Thank you!


  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I would imagine that your motivation might be similar to mine, even though I'm trying to lose weight, not gain. Mine is something like "I want to live a long and healthy life, looking the best I can while doing it".

    Which means that weight gain/loss isn't my only measure of success. Proper nutrition and adequate exercise are in there too. I actually include healthy relationships and good mental health in general in the mix because without them everything else is difficult.

    But I wonder whether you might be better off making one change at a time, rather than concentrating on motivation to change everything at once. Make a goal today of one positive improvement and stick to it.