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High protein diet may raise heart failure risk...



  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    yeah sure, in the example I gave that uses 4 groups, if there was a lower risk associated with vegetables then the group eating low amounts of protein from plant based sources and the group eating high amounts of protein from plant based sources would both be shown to have lower risk, and the other two groups low protein from meat and high protein from meat would be shown to have higher risk. If it was a risk due to protein then the high protein from plants and high protein from meats would be shown to have higher risk..

    What these studies seem to say to me is that there is no evidence to what they claimed
    "the association was not significant when adjusted for body mass."
    "this association wasn’t statically significant if the association was adjusted to BMI and diet quality."

    But they dont want to control these variables so that they can keep on getting paid to produce studies which suggest that animal protein is the problem. That's what it seems to look like to me.

    The bolded--exactly. How many blogs have picked this up and are diligently hammering away that meat eaters are going to be found sprawled dead next to their beds at a tragic age due to their horrible, horrible, evil habits. I call shenanigans.