Liver Damage From Supplements Is on the Rise



  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited November 2016
    I like how they group green tea in with anabolics. Makes sense. Not

    It does in context of the article, which is that certain supplements are causing liver damage. Obviously, we aren't talking about people taking the green tea extract for hypertrophy.

    But the extent to which these supplements cause liver damage is miles apart. There are certain oral "supplements" that if run for more than 14-28 days can cause permanent liver damage. Green tea damage is probably caused by chronic use as people believe it helps them burn fat.

    I agree completely here. The biggest problem is that when the supplements are adulterated you have no idea what you are taking nor the dosage taken. Likely the dosage is rather small for oral anabolic steroids or pro hormones so it's likely not going to cause damage as quickly as someone taking massive dosages of Dbol intentionally but it would could cause the same damage over a year. I imagine the green tea extract damage is going to take much longer but I haven't seen any studies to indicate the effects of dosage to time liver toxicity. These types of toxicology studies are required in pharmaceuticals but god forbid we make the supplement industry pony up money to prove that their products are safe and effective. No, let's let them police themselves because that always works.