Just now realizing there is a community here!

Hello world! I'm 31 and weigh 217lbs as of two weeks ago. I haven't stepped on the scale since then, as I don't want to get discouraged.

A tad bit of backstop. About 7 years ago a pretty heavy event threw me into a bad place mentally. I went from out going thrill seeker to introverted hermit. To remedy the anxiety and other issues our fine medical team here in the US decided the best course of action was to put me on some really fun antidepressants/mood stabilizers. Within 2 months I went from 175-225 and started to lose my hair. But hey, I was totally mentally and emotionally numb so it was worth it right? Anyhow, after seeing this I decided to get a new doc and was switched to a (seriously) wonderful drug that has no addictive properties and didn't cloud my brain. It's been a slow road to loosing this weight but it's extremely important to me. In my simple human brain I see losing this weight, getting back to 190-185, as me beating...something beyond words.

Sooooooo...if you've read this far, good jarb. I've quit drinking pop, started to cut out potatoes, cheese (which I enjoyed in copious amounts), and currently watching my sugar intake. I've been using MFP for about 2 weeks now.

That's it! So yeah, glad to be here, like friends, and hate jerks. Wish the best to you all!