How did you lose your first few pounds?



  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    My start point was a little strange - quinsy (tonsillitis with a turbo charger....).

    As I could barely drink let alone eat I lost quite a few pounds very quickly. But it was of those "eureka" moments where it just stripped away any excuses and left me with the really very obvious conclusion that if I ate less than I burned I would lose weight.

    So blaming the person who wrecked my knee twenty years ago for me being fat really couldn't be justified any more, responsibility for my diet and lifestyle is mine and mine alone.
  • lklkl5
    lklkl5 Posts: 113 Member
    When starting out, I decided I was done with diets. We were going to make a lifestyle change. I logged everything every day. Just the logging increased my awareness about making better choices. This led to me eating smaller portions and fewer calories. Our motto early on was basic "eat less and move more". No big secret! The scale started moving early and my motivation increased. I began looking for new foods to introduce, new ways to prepare foods and new recipes. Never felt deprived. I did go through a stint of scale obsession along the way though! Anyway, 57#'s later I still log my food and try new recipes etc.... I have drastically increased my exercise to include things I enjoy doing. I regularly cycle, walk, play tennis and our latest addition is kayaking. I still eat out, just make better choices and it is a treat instead of the norm. I enjoy parties etc... and will bake an occasional batch of cookies. You will be surprised how after eating better a lot of those old foods are "just not worth it". That is my new litmus test. Sometimes it looks so good, and when you take a bite "it's just not worth it". Set it down and move on. I save my calories for yummy delicious foods only! Good luck I know you too can be successful.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    I logged a day, which let me know my actual caloric intake was significantly higher than my goals.
    I put in 1 lb/week. I logged everything. I exercised. I ate back my exercise calories. It worked immediately.
  • michelehindman
    michelehindman Posts: 6 Member
    What did you do? How were you able to start? When did you start noticing the results?

    I think realistic expectations and patience are what helped me. I realized that setting myself to lose 1 pound a week, while knowing that everyone's weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds from one day to the next meant that I just had to be patient. I wasn't going to see immediate, consistent results on the scale in one or two or even five weeks.

    Now I've tracked my calories every day for 6 months and found myself 35 pounds lighter—just by being patient and consistently meeting my goals.
  • hellohappycarla
    hellohappycarla Posts: 85 Member
    I don't think I can open up my food diary just yet, lol, it's too embarrassing! Haha! But I have been trying really hard to cut down on my carbs. Where I am from, white rice is a meal staple so I am trying my hardest to avoid that and during the times when I can't, I just eat around 3 spoonfuls of it. I drink diet soda though and I love sweets. Will try to cut out on these as much as I can.
  • hellohappycarla
    hellohappycarla Posts: 85 Member
    My trigger was watching extreme weight loss on ABC. It really hit home, I was headed back to my heaviest which was 260+ and I had worked hard the previous year and lost 30lbs. So June 5th I decided I had, had enough. Weighing in at 247 I started from there. I've since lost 14lbs. I lost 3.5lbs my first week. Then I stalled, 1200 calories weren't working even with all my exercise and clean eating. So I looked up TDEE and calculated mine and upped my calories to 1600 and now I'm losing about 1.5 - 2 LBS per week.

    Hope this helps some :)

    Thank you for this! I am planning to surround myself with health magazines so I will have a constant reminder that I have to keep a healthy lifestyle =)
  • hellohappycarla
    hellohappycarla Posts: 85 Member
    I stuck to 1200 calories per day, did my exercise, logged all food and drink. Yes, I did lose weight within that first week.

    Thank you for this, I still find it hard to stick with the 1200 cals/day that I have set for myself but I am now making a mental note that this is what I should really aim for. Again, thanks! =)
  • hellohappycarla
    hellohappycarla Posts: 85 Member
    I'll be honest, even though the scale started moving for me pretty quickly, it's taken me almost this entire time to realize IT'S WORKING. (I've dropped 16 lbs, half my goal.) You'll notice things soon, but if you're anything like me, you'll brush it off and say it's nothing, or you're imagining things, or you have so far to go that it doesn't count.

    That's funny, I feel the same way. Like it's hard for me to believe any improvements I see. Maybe because I have been in an accordion body mode for so long that I am refusing myself to believe that the improvement is for real. So, ok, note to self, count every little bit of calorie off. Thank you!
  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    I struggled for over 2 years to get my Synthroid dosage to a level where I felt normal and healthy. Once that happened, it was on to tackle the weight. I was going to give it my all, not really believing I was going to be able to lose much, if anything. I started reading the forums on a popular bodybuilding site where I saw hypothyroid ladies with beautiful bodies posting how they achieved their physique by weighing their food and lifting heavy. That flipped a switch for me because I had been resistant to the idea of needing to weigh my food. It gave me a glimmer of hope, which scared me, because I knew if it didn't work I would be gutted.

    I dusted off my food scale, found out I had somehow created a profile here a year earlier (no memory of doing this), joined a gym and got a personal trainer. I guesstimated my maintenance calories and tried to end each day with a 300-500 calorie deficit. I lost the first few lbs rather quickly. I believe I was losing 1.5lbs/week*. Got to 5 lbs and thought, this is water weight, it'll slow down for sure. Got to 10lbs I believe around Easter and thought, surely I'm going to stall - there's no way it can be this easy. Once I got to 15lbs, I allowed myself to believe I was really doing it and I actually had a chance to achieve a lean body once more.

    As my body adjusted to the increased protein intake, the *ease* I experienced earlier has dissipated into raging hanger. I'm 8lbs away from the original goal weight I set back in February. A goal I didn't think I had a chance in heck of attaining when I set it.

    For me, I owe it all to the food scale.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,635 Member
    I stuck to 1200 calories per day, did my exercise, logged all food and drink. Yes, I did lose weight within that first week.

    Thank you for this, I still find it hard to stick with the 1200 cals/day that I have set for myself but I am now making a mental note that this is what I should really aim for. Again, thanks! =)

    Yes, I have to admit, 1200 calories doesn't leave very much room for treats lol. I have to ensure I eat quite a bit of protein, that keeps me full for much longer.
  • peggymdellinger
    peggymdellinger Posts: 151 Member
    I started logging for calories, cut out most of the junk food, and drink primarily water with a little unsweetened tea, coffee for breakfast, and fresh raw juice. I'm noticing the weight loss now at 12 lbs lost total. It'll come off and more quickly if you increase your activity level. I try to stay under my total daily calorie goal just in case I logged something incorrectly, and have yet to be very hungry. I only work out 2 days per week, up from never. Lol. I'm currently losing about 2 lbs per week! :) If I can do this then so can you! You've got this!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I stuck to 1200 calories per day, did my exercise, logged all food and drink. Yes, I did lose weight within that first week.

    Thank you for this, I still find it hard to stick with the 1200 cals/day that I have set for myself but I am now making a mental note that this is what I should really aim for. Again, thanks! =)

    Yes, I have to admit, 1200 calories doesn't leave very much room for treats lol. I have to ensure I eat quite a bit of protein, that keeps me full for much longer.

    I eat 1500-1600 calories a day and I still lose weight! I don't eat back exercise calories though. My TDEE is pretty high and I really should eat about 1800 but can't quite bring myself to do that!
  • andiebaco
    andiebaco Posts: 211 Member
    I started counting carbs and eating within my calories limits.. But I wasn't really exercising and I wasn't really inspired to do it.

    But after talking to some friends, I became triggered by their activity (going to gym, running ,etc) realized that I was tired of being this lazy and not proactive. So I did a week long detox (with juice), haterz apart I did lose weight and I was so motivated by it that I decided that I was going to maintain that weight loss and increment it! So I joined a gym, I became serious with the 5:2 diet and I've maintained the weight I lost with the detox and even lost a bit more...

    I still have way to go but I'm feeling confident and inspired and I think that is pretty important.
  • papillon71
    papillon71 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi there, I started in January 2013 after many other failed attempts, I don't exercise due to a back injury and was quite heavy when I started (207lb), I have had my calories set to 1200 since January and have managed to lose something every single week, even with no exercise, I stick to my 1200 calories and bulk up on a lot of salad, lean protein and vegetables, I swapped all high sugar and high fat foods for healthier options, I make healthy choices when I go out to eat and still enjoy myself.

    I weigh all my food, this has been KEY to the weight loss this time as my guessing at portion amounts was way off. I have cheap scales and weigh my food and also measure my liquids like milk.

    If you stick to your calories and don't have foods laden with fats or sugar and can do a bit of exercise you should see some movement for sure in the first few weeks. I lost about 5lb in the first 2 weeks from memory.

    It can work, it just takes discipline, swapping bad foods for replacement foods and determination. And if you have a bad day, just move on and keep going, shave a few calories off the days following to even it out. Drink lots of water (I have mine with fresh lemon or lime juice) as that flushes the system. I have lost up to 3lb overnight by downing 5 litres of water the day before.

    Good luck, you can do it. Feel free to add me as a friend - I have an open diary if you want ideas.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I've probably committed 90%+ of dieting mistakes. I keep learning, but how I think about things is not in weight. "What is going to help me create a better body"

    My advice to you is don't believe anything you're just told in summation. You have to read the fine print. The reason why libraries, scientists, and the well educated are most likely to be the first ones exiled when being conquered is because they're dangerous. Being dangerous is a good thing because dangerous means you have the ability to change and to be better.
  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    My first few pounds?

    Let's see, weighed in 3rd November 2012, found MFP November 7th. Typical consumption for those ~4 days (last one of which was logged): 4 slices toast, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons salad cream, 2 poached eggs, 2 litres Coca-Cola.
  • urgravity01
    Hello ,

    The easiest way to lose first few pounds of weight is running. Running is the best way to lose few pounds from the staring.

  • elainemorris1982
    elainemorris1982 Posts: 104 Member
    I started walking for a half an hour a day my first week and am now up to an hour to an hour a half now. I;m 5 weeks in and it wasn't till week 3-4 that I started noticing I was losing weight. Do measurements too cause I've lost 5.6 pounds in 5 weeks but I;ve lost 12 inches all over and gone down a dress size :). Stick with the calories MFP sets plus eat back your exercise cals. I eat from 1400-1700 a day depends how much exercise a day I do
  • ryandeceptacon
    ryandeceptacon Posts: 26 Member
    Hello all.

    My first few pounds were lost from; upping protein and water intake; cutting out a lot of 'junk food'; exercising more; cutting out full fat soda; ensuring I stay at a deficit and the biggie; stopped binge eating after quitting smoking. Only seven pounds down so far but I'm looking leaner and happy with my results.
  • lulavenus
    lulavenus Posts: 14 Member
    Log ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING you eat and drink. This was the only way I was able to see all those hidden calories - real butter on toast, cheese (on nearly everything), real mayonnaise, and calories in alcohol. I swear I was netting about 2500 calories a day (I stopped when I started to hit 60kg). You begin to grasp what you do and don't need, and where the weight might actually be coming from. Also, I started to see treats as 'treats'. I'd buy small bags of things rather than the big sharing bags (which I could surprisingly eat my way through). Soon enough my attitude and awarness of food changed.