Low carb diet..your opinion



  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    It works well for me when I use it. Lots of leafy green veggies will keep you regular. Good luck!
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    I'm in a similar position in that my new trainer wants me to do low carb high fat for fat loss - 65% fat, 25% protein and 5% carbs with a carb binge every 10th day to refeed. I was prepared for him to want me to lower carbs but I'd have been happy if he'd said 20% carbs!

    I haven't been sticking to his diet 100% but have upped good fats and reduced carbs a bit, mainly by having eggs and salmon or bacon most days for breakfast, having protein and salad or roasted veg for lunch every day instead of a wrap or sandwich some days, and reducing sweet snacks. It's been ok but I am missing oats and bagels from the breakfast rotation. I've been coming out at around 18-25% carbs most days, friend me if you want a look at my diary for the past 3 weeks.

    That said, I don't think it's necessary for fat loss if you like carbs and they make you feel full - CICO and deficit is key. I certainly haven't seen miraculous results in the past 3 weeks by changing to these macros (although one other girl on programme has, but then again she is only on 1400 cals and admits she ate a lot of junk beforehand). I'm enjoying the exercise part of the programme and learning to lift, but I don't agree that this way of eating is a one size fits all miracle way to lose fat.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Personal views? Not for me. Makes me hungry. Causes me anxiety and depression. Causes me digestive issues. Causes me hormonal issues. I don't like the most of the foods involved.

    Some people thrive on it, so the above only means that it's not for me.

    You don't need it if you aren't doing well on it. The best diet is the easiest one for you to sustain, so forget what your trainer said and do your own thing.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    spitapot81 wrote: »
    What are your views on low carb diets? I exercise 4 times per week with a mix of cardio and weights

    Honestly, I think very little of them. As a pre-diabetic I don't even believe them necessary or particularly useful for glucose control. If you don't have a medical concern though, then I think they are a waste to even consider unless you simply enjoy eating low carb.

    try it, you might be surprised.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    It does depend on what you like to eat.

    Personally, I'm just not that keen on meat + I have intolerances to peanuts, some tree nuts, and some dairy. And I just simply prefer carbs. :)
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    Some people do amazing on a low carb diet but it's not for everyone.

    I try and get my carbs from veggies and prefer having wholegrain bread over white bread and will have brown rice over white. But I think that is just because I have a big appetite and find they fill me up more.

    I will have chocolate or ice cream a few times a week because....well yummy!.... but I try and limit it because I quickly find myself hungry after those but have usually used up quite a lot of calories on them.

    You can lose fat with a general calorie deficit. You should adjust your macro's to suit yourself.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    The way I see this as a low carber is that carbs are not bad for me, I am bad for carbs. I abuse them, I lack control with them and that ultimately leads to a caloric surplus and weight gain. Because I know that about myself I have to seriously restrict carbs to keto levels coming only from cruciferous vegetables. But again, the macronutrient itself isn't the issue here I am. If you can moderate carbs appropriately I say have at 'er, I'm jealous af ;)

    That is really interesting. By carbs, you mean starchy foods? I have a hard time moderating things like chocolate, candy, cookies, chips, ice cream and cakes, but I find portioning out (and being content with) appropriate amounts of pasta, rice, potatoes, bread and oatmeal is no problem.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    You need a calorie deficit, not low carbs.
  • dancing_daisy
    dancing_daisy Posts: 162 Member
    You can't just switch to low carb and be ok in a day or so. It takes time for the body to adapt. I agree with what other people are saying about whether it suits you and a big part of that is whether you are going to continue this way. Eating low carb is NOT a FAD unless you are doing it only to lose weight then expect to switch back to a more conventional macro split.
    Curious, does your gym have any qualifications for giving out nutrition advice?
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    PTs and people at the gym often recommend low carb - this is because when switching from high or medium to low carbs a dieter will lose water weight and, to the uneducated, this can seem like fat loss.

    That said, there is nothing wrong with playing around with your carb input to find what works for you (as @kommodevaran so succinctly points out).

  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    HairTie1 wrote: »
    Forums are not the place to get advice like this. It's a bunch of mostly uninformed opinions or anecdotes. I recommend instead asking on a forum for advice on which books to buy to get scientific perspective on whatever your question may be.

    I would direct you to two sources that I have found to be EXTREMELY informative on this topic with both coming at it from a totally different perspective:
    1. "The Paleo Diet", Cordain -- Ground yourself in the science behind the foods that your body is genetically predisposed to use. Punchline: Its all about micro-nutrient density... macronutrients are mostly irrelevant if you generally eat the right whole foods. This theme of micro-nutrient density applies to whatever diet framework you choose to pursue.
    2. "The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living", Volek, Phinney -- ground yourself on why a ketogenic (low carb) diet may be right for you and how to do it properly if you do choose to do it. My key takeaway is that you can't half attempt it and hope to succeed. You need to make a concerted effort to do it right and that means measuring and tracking and really testing whether or not it works for you. If you just reduce your carbs arbitrarily you set yourself up for wasted time and no objective information with which to make decisions on whether or not to stick to the lifestyle change.

    Both of these books have an alternative version written specifically for athletes who have unique nutrition timing needs that need to be addressed as well.

    Overall punchline: If its worth doing, do it right. Buy and read a book written by a credible author. Nobody on this forum has posted a single credential that gives you a reason to trust their opinion, anecdote, or experience.

    1. A bunch of sciency-sounding words put together to sell a book. Short of a time machine, you can't know the intricate details of what humans ate, and the sort of time machine we have (fossils) tells us a a story different from what the book tries to advocate, ignoring how much we evolved since.
    2. A bunch of sciency-sounding words put together to sell a book. If you need to complicate it, it's not worth it. I'll put sugar in my porridge and call it a success.

    I personally find more credibility in what real unbiased people with a healthy interest in science say than someone who is paddling words for profit, especially if it follows the "what they don't want you to know" or "you've been doing it wrong" pattern.
  • healthybearey
    healthybearey Posts: 140 Member
    Personally i cannot do low carb - I love my carbs and if i reduced the amount i was intaking, i would probably end up binging in the end. My focus is on eating what I like but within a calorie goal. Depends on your preferences
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    edited November 2016
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    The way I see this as a low carber is that carbs are not bad for me, I am bad for carbs. I abuse them, I lack control with them and that ultimately leads to a caloric surplus and weight gain. Because I know that about myself I have to seriously restrict carbs to keto levels coming only from cruciferous vegetables. But again, the macronutrient itself isn't the issue here I am. If you can moderate carbs appropriately I say have at 'er, I'm jealous af ;)

    That is really interesting. By carbs, you mean starchy foods? I have a hard time moderating things like chocolate, candy, cookies, chips, ice cream and cakes, but I find portioning out (and being content with) appropriate amounts of pasta, rice, potatoes, bread and oatmeal is no problem.

    Everything starch and significant sugar I can't moderate for the life of me. Whether it's fruit or potatoes or cupcakes, it is doomed if it was in front of me before. It wasn't at all uncommon Pre-weight loss for me to eat a 36 Bakery cookie clam shell from Costco while I put away the groceries. I have no off switch with carbs and it is incredibly embarassing to know I don't have that modicum of self control :( . But like I said, other people can live harmoniously with carbs their whole lives with no ill consequences which just drives home for me that it isn't the carbs that are "bad" it's me that is too undisciplined to have them.
  • KrazyKrissyy
    KrazyKrissyy Posts: 322 Member
    By low carb, do you (personally) mean total or net? Because my total ranges from 60-80 (sometimes more), but my net ranges from 20-30 (sometimes less). This is because of massive amounts of fiber. I'm a vegetarian and love plant-based foods. If you go by net, maybe you can increase fiber so you can still eat a fairly moderate amount of carbs.