Stronglifts 5x5

I lost a good chunk of weight a couple of years back and exercise wise I got quite into lifting and what it was doing for my body. Fast forward and after a self indulgent *kitten* year I really need to get back to it, starting logging calories at my TDEE -20% and back at the gym.
I aim for 15 mins of cardio as a warm up and have just started the Stronglifts 5x5. Looking for advice from anyone who has done it, especially females, as to what else i should supplement with (exercise wise) or just any general hints and tips :)


  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    If you are cutting, I would suggest doing the program as written and not adding accessories.

    If you want to do more, best to find something that is programmed for more.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    My biggest piece of advice would be to know that it's okay if you don't advance in weight as the program tells you to. I know the program is designed for quick progression, but know your limits and nail down your form.

    Sometimes too quick. Injured myself, groin, going along with the program's progression. Probably should have listened to myself more but it was a "just a little too hard" "I can do this" "Oops, I guess not" kind of moment. Squats and the deadlift is what got to me. Just moving/progressing too fast.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,863 Member
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    If you are cutting, I would suggest doing the program as written and not adding accessories.

    If you want to do more, best to find something that is programmed for more.

  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    I agree with what's written above about not progressing as fast as the program says if you're struggling with form. I am currently running the program and I really like it. It's super straight forward which is a plus for me.

    The free app is really helpful.

    Watching form videos for the lifts was good too.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Just work the program. Don't worry about adding anything. It's awesome!

    With that said - I had a specific goal of being able to do a pull-up. After I'd worked SLs for about 6 months, I started adding pull-ups at the end of my workout. Weight-assisted pull-up machine first. Then band assisted pull-ups and negatives. Then I was able to do single pull-ups!!! I can now do sets of five!

    So, it depends on what your personal goals are. Start with Stronglifts. Work it as it's written. Think about where you want to go from there, and start adding in things to help you reach that goal once you are solid on the SLs program.
  • jadelois
    jadelois Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for all the advice. A pull-up is definitely a goal id like to work towards so thats useful to know quiksylver296. Also good advice on not progressing too fast, i guess it bumps up the weight after every day? I may just edit it so i do a couple of sets before progressing to a higher weight.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    jadelois wrote: »
    Thanks for all the advice. A pull-up is definitely a goal id like to work towards so thats useful to know quiksylver296. Also good advice on not progressing too fast, i guess it bumps up the weight after every day? I may just edit it so i do a couple of sets before progressing to a higher weight.

    I would go with how you feel. If you have no problem getting your 5x5 by all means increase it the next workout but if you are struggling repeat with that weight or deload if necessary.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    there's a group around here. been pretty quiet lately, but you'd be welcome.

    agree about not holding yourself to the 5lb jump with every workout. keep the format and the basic idea, adjust the actual numbers as you find out what works for you.

    i started with the basics and then started to read and toss in accessories/warmup/prehab types of work as my own personal weak links and imbalances began showing themselves. the one thing i would suggest holding to is band pulls and broomsticks while doing bench and ohp. it's way too easy to let your pecs get tight/overpowered in comparison with your upper back and rear shoulder capsule, so maintaining mobility/engagement there is a great way to ward off internal rotation and that lovely look where people think you put your hands on backwards when you woke up.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,996 Member
    I seriously injured my hip 3 years trying to do too much while doing SL 5x5.

    The main problem was trying to lift too heavy, too soon w/improper form but the secondary problem was trying to stick w/the +5 or 10# increment and 5x5 routine when it was apparent that doing so could lead to injury.

    So, my advice to anyone (male or female) who is struggling at heavier (for you) weights is to either skip immediately increasing the increments to heavier wts (after you have sucessfully done 5x5 at a lower weight) for at least a week for the squat and 2 wks for the other lifts AND/OR reduce the lift routine to 3x5 or 5x3 (instead of 5x5), as is done in Starting Strength, in order to reduce the effort (as well as the risk of injury).

    You will still get stronger if you are lifting more weight, even if you don't increase the weight for a week or 2 and even if you reduce the lift routine to 3x5 or 5x3. The benefit is that you'll allow yourself more time to build that strength w/less risk of injury.
  • VeggieBarbells
    VeggieBarbells Posts: 175 Member
    Just work the program. Don't worry about adding anything. It's awesome!

    With that said - I had a specific goal of being able to do a pull-up. After I'd worked SLs for about 6 months, I started adding pull-ups at the end of my workout. Weight-assisted pull-up machine first. Then band assisted pull-ups and negatives. Then I was able to do single pull-ups!!! I can now do sets of five!

    So, it depends on what your personal goals are. Start with Stronglifts. Work it as it's written. Think about where you want to go from there, and start adding in things to help you reach that goal once you are solid on the SLs program.

    This is good advice, I too wanted to progress to pull ups. I can now so 5x4 chin ups, 5x3 pull ups and after a break of 4 weeks I'm returning to SL x3 a week plus calisthenics.

    Set your goals and go for it. Remember failure is part of success, so don't beat yourself up if you can't do X Y or Z first off. You'll get there with perseverance.